The only article in your bathroom that is dirty as your toilet seat

This is what a study found has the greatest number of germs in your bathroom.

While you can beClean in the shower every day, How often do you really clean your shower? It does not just mean wipe the walls and clear the drain. You should also wash your shower curtain, especially sinceA recent secure home study revealed that interms of germ count in the bathroomYour shower curtain has the highest.Yes, even higher than the toilet seat. That's why the experts say you should wash your shower curtain once every month. Read on to know what happens when you do not clean it quite often and for more shower tips, discover whichPart of the body you should not wash the shower.

"I would recommend washing your shower curtain at least once a month. Otherwise, after every three months," saysDavid Shell, aHome improvement expert and founder of the costs of traders. "This average is about four to twelve washings a year, which is not much and should not take a lot of time either."

And while soap buildup can be unsightly, it's not the only reason you need to wash your shower curtain regularly. According toDavid Cusick, adomestic expert And responsible for the strategy of the home method, neglecting this essential bathroom can cause mold and mold.

"Germs, molds and mold can easily flourish if you do not wash your shower curtain regularly," says Cusick. "It's because of moisture and moisture in the bathroom."

Clean your curtain is as easy as throwing it into the washing machine.Whirlpool Laundry Trademark Manager Daniel Rozek says that you should "choose a soft cycle with warm water and the highest level of water", while washing your shower curtain with a small amount of detergent. And when it comes to drying, fabric curtains can be performed in the dryer over low heat, while plastic or vinyl curtains must be suspended and dried in the air.

The accumulation can also destroy the material of your curtain, so if you want to go longer withouthave to buy a new shower curtain, make sure to maintain its cleanliness. However, Cusick says if you see a kind of stains or mold visible after washing your curtain, you have to throw it from each direction. According to Shell, most shower curtains must be replaced every six months.

The experts also say that one to three months is just the average of most shower curtains, because the exact amount you should clean your shower curtain can change depending on the type of material your shower curtain. Continue reading for washing times for different shower curtain materials and for more things you can not clean up quite often, discoverThe dirtiest place in your house is 12 times dirty than a toilet seat.

Read the original article onBetter life.


bathroom with patterned shower curtain

According toJill Sandy,Renovator at home And founder of constant delights, you should wash a cotton shower curtain more often than something like a plastic or vinyl curtain. She says this is because cotton shower curtains are not just the "easiest material to wash", but they are also the most inclined to maize, mold and foam accumulation of soap. And for more things you should be washing frequently, learnHow many times you should really wash your pillow.


plastic shower curtain, easy home tips

The plastic shower curtains must be washed at least once a month, or twice a month, says Shell. The reason you can wait for washing them longer than cotton curtains is because they do not attract or absorb odors, according to Sandy. And for more cleaning tips,This cleaning error could ruin your home, tell experts.


Bathroom shower curtains

Shell says that a silk shower curtain should be washed less regularly, like the lava too oftencan damage the material. It suggests you to wash your silk shower curtain every three months. And for more useful content delivered directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


Shower curtain

You can also take your time to wash your vinyl shower curtain, according to Sandy. Indeed, a vinyl shower curtain is waterproof, which means that it has "less chances of absorbing moisture and all the slopes of mold." Also as long as you put it every three to four months, you should go well, she said. And for more things you can wash too often, it's The only thing in your house that you clean too much .

Categories: Health
Tags: cleaning / Home
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