The new surprising way you can know if you have been exposed to Covid

This simple piece of technology you probably already have could help you protect yourself and protect yourself.

Medical experts agree that the key to being able to move forward the propagation of coronavirus isGeneralized tests. Not only letting people know they have COVID-19 allow them to isolate and avoid infecting others, but it can also help with contact tracing, that is to sayIdentify narrow contacts of the patient and their quarantine instructor. But this process has had aRollout Notoiled Rocky in the United States Compared to the rest of the world, agencies have been under-effected and practical difficult to implement. But an announcement of two technological giants - Google and Apple has the potential to change all that. Now,All you need is a smartphone to find out if you are exposed to Covid.

On September 1, Apple and Google announced that they launched new software that can serve as a warning network for anyone exposed to Coronavirus called "Express Exposure Notifications". Technology streamlines the contact tracing process, allowing state health departments to choose the technology instead of developing an application or a clean program.

The Bluetooth-based interface works by detecting which phones have been close to the phone of a positive patient, not following the locations of the users. WhenPerson tests displayed for COVIDThe application may notify anonymously anyone who was in close contact with an infected person, allowing them to be tested or quarantined.

The use of smartphones for tracing contacts and potential infection alerts has been a common practice in many other countries since the beginning of the pandemic. Some have seen great success with them, others, like Norway, have seen major problems withData and safety violations Once the government's built application has begun collecting more data than those planned. Great Britain has also withdrawn its own application from the state in the middle of the controversy, opting instead for the Apple and Google software, which wasMore "Confidentiality - Preservation" The New York Times reports.

Overall, the experts believe that byFocus on the proximity of anonymized phones Instead of collecting geolocation data, Google software and Apple solves many of the problems that have made problem with other applications. "I would say this is an improvement"Jeffrey KahnDirector of the Berman Bioethics Institute of Johns Hopkins, saidThe Washington Post.

So far, four states have already registered to use Apple's new Covid and Google contact tracing technology. Read on to find out where. And for more states in difficulty right now, checkThese 4 states should lock immediately, Harvard researchers say.


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In a statement, Virginia Gov.Ralph Northamsay itCOVIDWISE exhibition notification application Gives you an extra tool to protect you, loved ones and community, while maintaining your personal privacy. I encourage all Virginians to download and use this app, so we can work together to contain this virus. "And for more ways to know if you could have been exposed to Covid, check3 easy ways to know if you have been exposed to coronavirus.


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"Express Exposure Notifications will help save lives, significantly improving our contact tracing operation and advance our Covid-19 Statewide-19", "Gov. of MarylandLarry Hogan said in a statement. "We appreciate ourCollaboration with Apple and GoogleAnd look forward to launching this advanced technology in Maryland. "


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"A dieKey tools for fighting Covid-19 And slowly its propagation is right in your pocket, "the website of the Department of the Nevada of Health and Human Services on its application is read." Contact Tracing Applications Note quickly if you have probably been exposed, allowing you to reduce the risks and make informed choices. "And for more information up to date on Covid and more,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Washington DC.

Washington, D.C.

Although not a state, the capital of the country also joined Virginia, Maryland and Nevada by adopting the new Apple and Google's new Covid tracing software. No other information about the application D.C. is available at the moment. And if you are curious to know how Covid affects long-term patients, checkThe 98 symptoms of lasting durable covidants you need to know.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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