This product you use each day may contain asbestos, the study says

You may want to consider some of the items you use regularly.

When it comes to preparing every day, many of us have our tastes that we use without a second thought. However, you may want to start looking exactly what you put on your body - especially that you could submit toToxic ingredients. In fact, a new study revealed that about 15% of Talc-based cosmetics contain asbestos. For more information about this disturbing discovery, read it and for other dangerous ingredients you should be aware,If you see that on your shampoo label, mix it immediately.

The study, published November 24 in theEnvironmental Health Inspoys Journal, was commissioned by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and led by the Scientific Analytics Institute (SAI). In their research, the identified TEAMore than 2,000 personal care products Sold over the last three years containing Talc - and this includes eye shadows, foundations, blush powders, face and body powders.

For the study, theSai analyzed 21 of these products based on Talc, bought in retail stores in San Francisco and Washington, D.C, as well as an online retailer. They tested seven toy makeup kits, seven eye shadow pallets, three face powders, two body powders, a redness and a contour palette. In the end, 14% of the products of this small sample size have been tested positive for asbestos.

The researchers discovered tremolite asbestos in two of the Palesettes eye shadows and in one of the makeup kits of the toys. One of the eyelids pallets also tested positive for asbestos actitinolite. In the toy makeup kits, an eye shadow was positive on the three nuances tested. And among the palesets eye shadows, 20 to 40% of the shades were contaminated.

"The laboratoryRepeatedly finds asbestos in products made with talc, including cosmetics marketed for children "Sean FitzgeraldThe head of the SAI, stated in a statement. "It is outrageous that a precise method for testing personal care products for the presence of asbestos exists, but the cosmetic industry is not required to use it."

This is not the first time asbestos has been discovered in cosmetic products. An investigation by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2019 found that nine Talc-based productsout of 52 tested were contaminated by asbestos. And although they have issued warnings to consumers of contaminated products, according to the study, the FDA can not make mandatory reminders for these products and does not require cosmetic product tests nor for asbestos.

The authors of the study indicate that their objective is to "raise awareness of the potential risk in cosmetics", as asbestos has been linked to many health problems. In fact, the International Cancer Research Agency (IARC)identified four types of cancers This can be caused by asbestos. Continue reading for more information on these health risks and for more things that could affect you,This surprising hygiene in your kitchen could be toxic, search shows.


doctor with sad patient

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer directly caused by inhalation of asbestos. According to a 2017 report of disease control and prevention centers (CDC), more than 45,200 200People died from mesothelioma In the United States between 1999 and 2015, despite decades of asbestos regulations. And for more cancer risks,You should be examined for this cancer sooner than you thought.

Ovarian cancer

woman talking to her doctor in the waiting room with forms

IARC conducted research in 2009, connected the exhibition of asbestos to ovarian cancer. And an 18-year-old meta-analysis of 18 studies also proved this theory, researchers that "exposure to asbestos is linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer". And for larger health problems, learnThe most risky health error women continue to do.

Lung cancer

an older woman talking to her doctor while in the office

According to the asbestos awareness center, the research discovered that about 3 to 4% ofCases of lung cancer can be linked to asbestos exposure-The examples of excess exposure to long thin asbestos fibers. These fibers are estimated at 2,000 to 3,000 deaths related to asbestos-related lung cancer at the US each year. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Larynx cancer

Female doctor wearing surgical mask examining infected patient. Mature healthcare worker checking mid adult man. They are at pharmacy.

While the highest risk factors for laryngeal cancer are related to narcotic use and alcohol, the mesothelioma center saysAsbestos has also been linked to cancer. A significant study of 2006 commissioned by the National Institute of Health (NIH)Exposure to asbestos was a precise cause of larynx cancerand the risk of cancer has also been strengthened when exhibition amounts have been increased. And if you want to stay healthy, These are the warning signs of gorge cancer you need to know .

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