Terrifying Long Symptom Covid doctors now warn

Experts have different theories about why this phenomenon appears months after infection.

For some, theCoronavirus is not going After a week or two. In fact, as the pandemic progresses, more and more survivors identify as "long lengths". These are people who aresuffering from long covidant, who reported them with unusual symptoms that occur months after their initial infection. Some have reported hair loss and strange rashes. And now, doctors warn a new terrifying symptom of covidation:Fallen teeth. Read more about this emerging symptom and for more news of lengths,Dr. Faisci has just warned these "disturbing symptoms" of long COVID symptoms.

Some COVID survivors reported that their teeth fell from the months after the virus.

Woman looking her self in mirror, she have toothache

A coronavirus survivor, a 43-year-old woman from New York, namedFarah Khemili, RecountThe New York Times whatlost one of his adult teeth In November after having the virus in the spring-something she never knew before. And although Khemili had a history of dental problems, others without any prior dental issues also reported this event. According toNew York Times Report, several people from the Survivor Corp group, a Facebook page for coronavirus survivors, reported teeth that fell after Covid-including the founder, who said that his 12-year-old son lost months of adults afterhave a mild case. And for more information on your chances of developing a lively cipidant,If you have these 5 symptoms, you are at risk of Long Covid.

A doctor says it could be the result of the virus of the damaged parts of the mouth.

Elderly Man Having Toothache Touching Cheek Suffering From Pain Sitting On Sofa At Home. Selective Focus

William W. Li, MD, President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation, saidThe New York Times This loss of teeth is being examined as a possible possible symptom of covidation. According to Li, the coronavirus causes serious damage when connecting with the ACE2 protein, located in most parts of the body,including mouth. Therefore, it might be possible for the virus to damage the blood vessels in the mouth that keep the living teeth, says Li. It can drop the teeth without any blood or pain, which is what most lengths are in report. And for more your mouth and virus,If you notice this in your mouth, you might have Covid, experts warn.

Another doctor says that the loss of teeth could be the result of your body that tries to fight Covid.

Young man looking in mirror at his mouth and teeth in bathroom, checking their health state

Some experts, however, have other theories.Michael Scherer, DMD, a prosthodontist in Sonora, California, saidThe New York Times This loss of teeth could beThe result of an immune response Called a cytokine storm, which is where the body attacks its own cells and tissues while trying to fight coronavirus.

"If a long-term reaction of the length of Covid is in the mouth, it is a defense mechanism against the virus. The disease of the gum is very sensitive to hyper-inflammatory reactions and the lengths of Covid certainly fall in this category ", did he declare. According to Medline Plus, inflammation can spread to "ligaments and bones that support the teeth", resulting in aLoss of support for teeth, which causes teeth to unleash and finally months after a viral infection. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

However, not enough evidence has been made to connect the symptom directly with COVID.

sick senior couple wear with protective face mask

A lack of research on teeth loss compared to Covid explains why doctors have different theories about this apparent long-term symptom. ParodonistSasha Ross, DMD, told Cleveland clinic that she does not necessarily believe that theThe virus itself causes a loss of teeth. Instead, it attributes this phenomenon to the pandemic overall, which has led more people to postpone or cancel dental annual appointments. She said she suspects that these jumped appointments have caused potential problems, such as periodontal disease, progress in some people.

"In people who have probably already had a pretty severe periodontal disease, I have seen cases where there is no pain and the tooth is so infected that it is not supported by bones. It is Chronic infection and the tooth can simply fall if it does not have bone support, "she said." I do not think it was something that Covid-19 caused, in itself, as Even in non-croids-19 times, I saw that happen without bleeding or pain. "

This is not an unlikely scenario, in fact: a 2012 report of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) revealed that 47% of adults of 30 years of age or older haveA form of periodontal disease, including infections and inflammation of gums and bones that surround the teeth. And for an overview of the future of the pandemic,The chief medicine of Moderna has just given this upsetting update .

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