CDC warns new COVID syndrome

Adults now suffer from dangerous Covid Symptoms previously linked to children.

Since the first cases of CIVID-19 have been identified in December 2019, it has been clear for researchers and health experts that the impacts of viruses different people to varying degrees. While some that are infected with coronaviruses never have symptoms, others have a total ravage of their organs and more than 1 million people around the world have lost their lives.

One of the most frightening and the most complex coronavirus complications has been identified in the spring - a multisystometimic inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) - "a rare but serious complication of SARS-Cov- infection. 2, "only an impact on children and adolescents, by the CDC. However, according to a new CDC report, since June a handful of adults have also reported the condition. Read on and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

MIS-A can be mortal

"Since June 2020, several reports and case series have been published reporting a similar multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in adults (MIS-A)," the CDC writes in its new weekly report on death and illness, theMmwr, Published on Friday.

Similar to MIS-C, MIS-A is obviously not linked to coronavirus - say those who suffer may not display and Covid-19 symptoms. "Cases reported to CDCs and published reports and case series identify MIS-A adults, which usually require intensive care and may have a fatal outcome," they write.

The report focuses on 27 adults aged 21 to 50, including 10Intensive care needed, three of whom were intubated, and three who died.

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The symptoms are serious, but do not create the lungs

The report focuses on 27 adults aged 21-50 similar symptoms that included extreme inflammation and a malfunction of organs, including "cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, dermatological and neurological symptoms" but without severe respiratory disease.

"Although hyperinflammation and malfunction of extrapulmonary organs have been described in severe hospitalized adults, these conditions are generally accompanied by respiratory failure," they write.

"On the other hand, the patients described here had minimal respiratory symptoms, hypoxemia (oxygen in the blood), or radiographic anomalies in accordance with the definition of work cases, which aimed to distinguish between Covid-19 severe, only eight 16 patients had documented respiratory symptoms prior to the start of MIS-A ".

Through the CDC, symptoms may include prolonged fever of more than 24 hours, thoracic pain, an irregular heart rate, cardiac dysfunction, gastrointestinal symptoms, and skin rashes. They also point out that despite the absence of obvious respiratory symptoms, X-rays can reveal pulmonary inflammation. In addition, in two of the younger patients, the first symptom presented was a major cerebral accident.

Antibody screening identified SARS-COV-2 infection in about one-third of the 27 cases, which means a past infection.

Racial and minority groups are mainly concerned

The researchers discovered that the condition does not discriminate. "All but one of the patients with MIS-A described in this report belong to minority racial or ethnic groups," the CDC emphasizes in the report.

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The good news is that many recover

The CDC recalls that the majority of people identified with MIS-A made a recovery. However, the identification and rapid treatment is essential. "Due to potential therapies that could benefit from these patients as described in these case reports, clinicians should consider MIS-A in a broader differential diagnosis when the care of adult patients with clinical and laboratory results compatible with the work. Case mise-a definition, "they write.

"Clinicians and health services should consider MIS-A in adults with compatible signs and symptoms. These patients may not have positive results of SARS-COV-2 PCR or antigen test, and antibody tests may be needed to confirm previous SARS-COV-2 infection ". And to cross this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these 35 places you are most likely to catch Covid .

Categories: Health
By: veronica
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