43% of coronavirus deaths are linked to this place

Nearly half of the coronaviruses in America are linked to the same place.

The United States has seen aDevastating number of deaths Following the Pandemic of Covid-19. The country has, by far, the largest number of deaths: 128 103, which is more than the double of the country with the second largest death, in Brazil, which saw 58,385 lives lost in Covid-19. And, according to a new report ofThe New York Times, 43% of these deaths are linked to a particular environment:Retirement homes and long-term care facilities.

The New York Times reports that at least 54,000Residents and employees of retirement homes Long-term care facilities died of coronavirus, representing 43% of the total deaths related to U.S. Covid. "The countryThe most deserving epidemics have been largely in retirement homes, where older residents with underlying health problems are particularly vulnerable to the virus ", reportsThe temperature.

Older patient with nurse

The temperature Investigated on large epidemics in retirement homes and found that about 17% of people with coronaviruses in a deceased retirement home, while about 5% of all known coronavirus patients encounter the same destiny.

DataThe temperature Compiled suggests that in 24 states, the majority of CVIV-19 deaths are linked to retirement homes. And "in Minnesota, New Hampshire and Rhode Island, more than three quarters of all coronavirus deaths have been linked to long-term care facilities."

The results areverysimilar to a research report on equal opportunities (FREOPP) who deduce that retirement homes and assisted living facilities represent42% of COVID-19 deaths in the countryside. "It is clear that the most underestimated aspect of the new coronavirus pandemic is its effect on a specific population of Americans: those living in retirement homes and assisted living facilities," says the authors in the report.

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Care of the elderly has become a very discussed subject in the middle of the pandemic. New York Gov.Andrew Cuomo received a rare criticism forSending thousands of Patients from Covid-19 recovery to retirement homes After signing an order designed to relieve pressure on hospitals. According toThe temperatureData, in New York, deaths in retirement homes and assisted living facilities represent21% of the deaths globally due to the coronavirus.

In recent months, many people have beenCall for reforms Make safer retirement homes for residents and employees. For example, a Massachusetts surveillance group called the Pioneer Institute recently sent a report to state leaders, calling for a series of reforms, includingRegular test in senior management institutions and the appointment of a government official to supervise the responses of nurses in Covid-19,The Boston Globereported. And for more updates on Covid-19 climbing cases, discover5 states where new cases of coronaviruses doubled last week.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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