That's what it means if you do not do enough pee, according to science

The answer is more complicated than we pushed it, according to new research.

We are all familiar with the sudden sense that you must "go" and the remarkably specific degree to which our brain seems to send us this information. But so far, exactly how we are able to feel anature call And then understand if we can stand until the next petrol station of a mystery. However, scientists have just determined why some people can not even pee once a day, while others urinate all the time. Read it to find the answer and for more advice on what is normal there,Here's how often you should really change your underwear.

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How many times should I piss in a day?

Last pad of tissue paper on background

A normal and healthy person will usually beurinate about six or seven times One day, although it varies with age, medical conditions and other factors, according to experts. Peeing too often worthwhile to keep an eye on - it can be a sign of superholding, diabetes or urinary tract infection. And for other symptoms to become aware of, here's40 signs you are not unconsembled that you do not think.

What dictates how often I have to go?

Bathroom door open looking at a toilet

The new search comes fromNational Institute of Health (NIH), which financed a study involving both mice and human patients and published the results in the journalNatureOctober 19th. Researchers identified a gene called Piezo2, which can be responsible for this familiar"URE" that comes with a complete bladder. And for another strange genetic condition, discover aboutThe rare genes mutation that makes you safe from this terrible smell.

How does this gene work?

Cropped shot of an unrecognizable man sitting alone on his bed and suffering from stomach cramps while home alone

Piezo2 seems to work with at least two types of cells in the body to detect when the bladder must be emptied. The gene contains instructions for producing activated proteins in response to certain cell cells being stretched or understood, for example, when the bladder fills up.

However, researchers have found that some people are born with genetic impairment in this gene, which means they have trouble feeling when their bladder fills up and therefore feels less desired to go to the room. bath.

Other experiments on mice suggest that, as well as the expansion of gauging, the gene also plays an essential secondary role in this process, aroused neurons to release the tension signals to the nervous system larger and put the body on " standby "to take action. And for more health problems regarding your bathroom behavior, here'sWhat happens to your body when you do not change your underwear.

What are the signs that I do not have enough urine?

man's legs in pajamas while he pees in a toilet

The researchers examined medical records, have ultrasonic analyzes, gave questionnaires and conducted detailed interviews with 12 patients aged 5 and 43 born with mutations disabled in their piezo2 genes.

Almost all patients said they could go a whole day without feeling the need to urinate. In addition to this, 25% reported only pages once or twice a day, and more than 40% said that when they finally feel a desire to go there, it happens abruptly. Nearly 60% of patients reported harm to urinate, sometimes you have to push on their lower abdomen to go. And for other signs of problems with your abdominal region,That's all your stomach tries to talk about your health.

Categories: Health
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