That's what your indigestion tries to tell you
It's not always just something you have eaten. There could be a more important issue to solve.

We all know that balloons, uncomfortable,nauseous feeling After eating something that does not quite agree with us. However, just because indigestion is acommon health problem That does not mean it's always Benin. In fact, these unpleasant symptoms that you have attributed to heavy meals could allude to a much more serious illness, such as an ulcer or autoimmune disease. If you have trouble indigestion on a regular basis, read it to find out what could cause this discomfort. And for more signals from your median that you should search, checkThat's all your stomach tries to talk about your health.
1 You are intolerant to lactose.

People with lactose intolerance are unable to treat sugar found in dairy products due to lactase deficiency, an enzyme produced by your small intestine. TheMAYO Clinic Explains that the symptoms usually appear within 30 minutes to two hours after eating a milk-based product and can present as almost identical to a more standard indigestion: nausea, abdominal cramps or pain, bloating and gas. And for more red flags, your body can raise, check13 signs of warning that your teeth try to send you.
2 You have IBS.

While irritable intestine syndrome and indigestion are recognized as distinct conditions, research points more and more to overlap both in many patients. In a 2003 study presented at the 68th annual scientific meeting of the American College of Gastroenterology, researchers found that nearly three-quarters of people with IBS also have indigestion. "Doctors need to realize that many patients seeking gastrointestinal symptoms are likely to have more than one clinical disorder," said the principal investigatorAshok K. Tuteja, MD, the Department of Gastroenterology at Utah University in Salt Lake City.
3 You have a stomach infection.

Although the cause of your indigestion can, in some cases, be fixed with something as simple as a dietary exchange, the underlying cause sometimes requires more serious attention. A stomach infection - In particular a person caused by H. pylori bacteria - must be treated medically to cease additional complications. As explained by a 2015 study in theGlobal Journal of GastroenterologyTreat H. Pylori bacteria fast can reduce the risk of a patient to develop ulcer or stomach cancer. And more things you should be aware of your well-being, checkThe 20 worst habits that destroy your heart.
4 You have a pancreatitis.

If you have symptoms of chronic indigestion, such as abdominal pain that worsens after eating, abnormal intestinal habits, nausea and vomiting, it can be a small part of a larger image , according toMir ali, MD, a general and bariatric surgeon at Memorialcare Orange Coast Medical Center in California. "Indigestion is a frequent symptom of [pancreatitis] and can often be attributed to alcohol abuse," he explains.
Pancreatitis can also be the result of bile calculations, a side effect of drugs, self-immune disorders or some infections. So be sure to talk with your doctor to go to the bottom of things. And for more things about this part of your body, check13 warning signs that your pancreas tries to tell you that something is wrong.
5 You have a conjunctive tissue disease.

This pain in your stomach can be the result of a more serious and surprising-systemic issue. According to a 2011 study inMaedica: a clinical medicine newspaperHaving indigestion may indicate conjunctive tissue diseases, such as progressive systemic sclerosis. It is because between 80 and 90% of patients diagnosed with this experimental disease in the esophagus, which stops the esophageal sphincter from the closure and can lead to acid reflux.
6 You have SJORGEN syndrome.

SJORGEN syndrome is a most frequently identified autoimmune disease in drought inthe eyes of a patient And the mouth. But according to the same year 2011MadicaStudy, indigestion is another common symptom of the disease. In addition to its glandular effects, Sjorgen's can cause inflammation, atrophy and poor motor coordination in the esophagus.
7 You have a disease of foie gras.

This pain in your stomach could come from an entirely different organ. According to a 2015 study in theInternational Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, 67% of the study participants identified as having indigestion were also judged proven from the foie gras after an ultrasound. Most of these patients noted having chronic or recurring abdominal pain when they are interviewed about their symptoms. And for more things to know about this important organ, check20 signs of warning that your liver sends you.
8 You have an appendicitis.

According toKristine Arthur, MD, an internist at the Medical Center of the Orange Memorialcare Coast, these symptoms of indigestion could actually indicate something much more urgent: appendicitis. She explains: "If you encounter a strong pain in the lower right abdomen that comes rather suddenly over several hours or a day and is persistent, it can be appendicitis. You should be seen by a doctor that day. That this often requires surgery and, if left untreated, a broken annex can be deadly. "
9 You have bile calculations.

According toRudolph Bedford, MD, a gastroenterologist at the Saint John Providence Health Center in Santa Monica, California, your indigestion symptoms can actually indicate bile calculations. "However, only chronic gall bladder disease can cause digestive problems, such as reflux and acid gas," he says.
Bile calculations are often distinguished from indigestion if the pain is limited to the upper right of your abdomen, if you have pain intensified rapidly in the center of your abdomen, or if you have back pain between your shoulder blades. And for more useful health information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
10 You are too stressed.

It is tempting to brush it like "everything in your head" if you find yourself a stomach with stressful moments. But asMayra Mendez, PhD, a psychotherapist approved at the Child Development Center and the Saint John's Providence Family explains: "Stress reactions Implicate complex transactions between brain chemistry and nervous system. These transactions result in physiological, psychological and behavioral responses. "
A 2015 study on the effects of emotional stress on digestive diseases published in theJournal of gastroenterological motility Confirms that the effects of stress on the gastrointestinal tract are very real. In particular, stress was linked to indigestion, IBS and epochrohage of reflux.
11 You must change drugs.

According to a 2003 study published in the journalIntestineNon-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, commonly known as NSAIDs, are often responsible for symptoms of indigestion. This is because they can ignite the lining of the stomach and cause peptic ulcers. So, if you are NSAIDs and experiment with indigestion, it might be time to talk to your doctor to change commutationmedications.
12 You have to lose weight.

According toATTIF IQBALMd, Medical Director of the Orange Coast Medical Center Memorialcare Digestive Care Center, symptoms of indigestion, including stomach burns and acid reflux, can be a sign that you should try to lose some books. Study after study, including this 2013 report published in the journalObesityConfirm that overweight and obese people frequently show more symptoms of indigestion, stomach burning and reflux than their average weight counterparts - and losing weight generally attenuates symptoms.
13 You have a cardiac condition.

Unfortunately, it is too common that people confuse signs of a cardiac condition with signs of indigestion, sometimes with serious results. "Many people blame their symptoms on stomach burns or indigestion," says Arthur. "It can very well be the case, but women often have atypical symptoms when it comes to heart disease and anyone with risk factors such asDiabetes Or hypertension should see a doctor as soon as possible. "
14 You have GERD.

If you encounter indigestion that causesstomach pains And reflux, it may be gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as Gerd. This condition, which can cause a painful burn in your higher digestive tract, occurs when food flows into your esophagus when the esophageal sphincter does not close properly during digestion. And while Gerd causes a little more than discomfort for many people, theAmerican company for gastrointestinal endoscopy Reports that between 10 and 15% of people with GERD will develop Barrett's esophagus, changes in the oesophageal lining that constitute a common precursor to esophagus cancer.
15 You have an ulcer.

According to a 2010 study published inTherapeutic progress in gastroenterologyAbout 10% of patients evaluated for indigestion are held peptic ulcers. These open wounds inside your intestinal lining canpainsBurns of stomach and reflux, in addition to indigestion. Patients describe the sensation caused by ulcers as a burning or rongean pain in the central abdomen, so make sure you talk to your doctor if you feel this symptom, because ulcers can cause gastrointestinal bleeding, intestinal perforations and serious infections.
16 You have a celiac disease.

The celiac disease is marked by gluten intolerance, a protein generally found in grains, including wheat, rye and barley. According toMAYO ClinicPeople with celiac disease often result in damage to the lining of the small intestine, resulting in a malabsorption of certain nutrients, as well as inflammation that draws indigestion. If you suspect that you can have a celiac disease, try cutting wheat for a week to see if your symptoms are improving. If you still do not feel better, be sure to register with your doctor.
17 You need less fat in your diet.

You are not alone if you find that your indigestion symptoms are at their worst after having a burger and fries. A 2016 Research Review in the ReviewAdvanced biomedical research determined that fatty foods exacerbate the symptoms of indigestion. Patients have regularly lived an unpleasant fullness, bloating, nausea and higher gastrointestinal symptoms after eating fat meals.
18 You have a gastritis.

Gastritis is a condition characterized by gastric inflammation and inflammation wearing on the lining of the stomach, it can causesymptoms As pain, bloating, stomach aches, vomiting and, you guess indigestion. According toMAYO ClinicYou should see a doctor if your symptoms last a week or more, such as untreated gastritis can result in stomach ulcers and other potentially serious complications.
19 You have a stomach cancer.

According toAmerican Cancer Society, Indigestion is on the list of detectable signs of stomach cancer that all people should search for. While this and many other symptoms resembling vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness and heartburn - can be attributed to more common diseases such as gastritis or food poisoning It should always be talking to your doctor to exclude more serious conditions if your symptoms persist.
20 You have gastroparoparesis.

If you get this feeling suddenly complete after eating very little or you feel discomfort after moderately medium-sized meals, it is likely that you do not only live a guiching indigestion. According toMAYO ClinicWhat you could have is gastroparesis, a condition in which the stomach is unable to empty properly due to a nervous injury. Make sure to talk with your doctor about it, especially if you notice corroborating symptoms such as stomach burns, reflux, bloating or a major change in appetite.

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