The CDC now says that you should wear your mask in these 7 places

The updated guidelines are a "strong recommendation" to make your EPP whenever you are in progress.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, disease control and prevention control centers have issued warnings, notices and guidelines to educate us about how to protect ourselves from coronaviruses. This has included their famous golden rules, which must wear a face covering in public, socially six feet from others and wash your hands regularly. On October 19, the Agency further updated its COVID guidelines - with emphasis on how you should protect yourself and others while traveling. Learn more about other newly added places onCDC says you should now wear a maskand to learn more about the latest COVID tips, discoverThese 21 states still have their greatest covid overhead.

In the declaration of 19 October, the CDC stated that "the transmission of the virus through travel has led to - and continues to lead to the interset and the international spread of the virus". The Agency also pointed out that "local transmission can develop rapidly in inter-state and international transmission when infected persons move on public transport without wearing masks and with other people who do not wear masks. " In this spirit, these are the seven places that the CDC says you should wear a mask now.


man wears a medical mask and wipes his hands with disinfectant

Despite recent studies showing that being on an airplaneis not as risky as initial thinking In the first days of the pandemic, the masking as you fly is always recommended by the CDC. In addition, it's a requirement for all passengers on many airlines. The agency emphasizes that you should also wear your mask through the airport, especially since you can get together from other people in safety lines and during the boarding process. And for more precisely where you might not be safe from coronavirus, checkIt's the worst place to sit in a restaurant right now, studied.

The trains

leather bag on seat on train
Shutterstock / Fotos593

As planes, traveling by train increases your risk of catching coronavirus by putting nearby with other passengers for a long time. The CDC says that the masking ensures you that you will not bespread potentially harmful particles to someone else on board.


Young woman wearing a face mask while travelling by tube to protect from coronavirus

Even if you simply do the city instead of getting out, the CDC indicated that all metro passengers wear a mask while rolling - especially because the lack of ventilation in underground stations can create a higher risk of COVID transmission. In addition to suggesting that passengers choose less crowded cars, the agency recommends avoiding touching high contact surfaces and using a hand disinfectant once left the station. Of course, you should stillwash your hands For at least 20 seconds when you arrive at your destination.

The buses

young black woman with a face mask on a bus

Although buses can have the added benefit of an easy and immediate increase in fresh air, the CDC still suggests wearing a facial mask while making buses. This includes short rides on public transit or longer bus travel on coaches. It should be noted that a recent study revealed thatGroup retreat on a badly ventilated bus In China was an early event superspreader.


yellow taxi cab

It may have an immediate idea of ​​being wary of all the touch-up contacts that you have forced to touch when entering a cabin. But carrying a mask while you drive into a taxi is important, especially because the closed car interiors will easily expose you to all droplets expired by the driver. The CDC recommends increasing ventilation in the vehicle alsoDrop windowseven if it's just a little bit. And for more information on the latest COVID travel news, checkThe governor of this state has just urged residents "not to travel" because of COVID.

Branching vehicles

Woman in taxi wearing face mask for protection from pollution and viruses such as Coronavirus. Using smartphone

By greeting driving through an application on your phone is one of the largest amenities of modern times, but it is also an easy way to accidentally expose the coronavirus. And it's not just the CDC that thinks you should cover your face: many branching companies have defined strict rules for passengers who canTrain your trip being canceled Or your account being banned if you enter the vehicle without a mask. And for more COVID updates delivered daily,Subscribe to our newsletter.


staten island ferry and new york city's skyline

Everyone was unlikely to be able to shuttle by boat, but that the picturesque morning walk is still a potentially risky place to catch Covid. If you hit the water, the CDC recommends you distributing other passengers or choose a bridge area with good breeze or loose ventilation. And for more information on potential coronavirus warning signs, seeIf your food tastes like these 2 things, you can have Covid .

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