Your habit of coffee can cause this laid side effect, the study suggests

You may want to skip this last cup of coffee.

If you are a person who likes to throw the drink containing a cool drink after a drink containing caffeine, you may begin with an uncomfortable side effect.

We will prefer this by saying that most drinks will suit you to consume with moderation butIf you drink cups at the top of the coffee cups,tea, anda soda during the day,medical experts Say, you could seriously use your risk of acid reflux and stomach. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.)

New guidelines suggested in a letter of research published byJama Recommend lifestyle changes that you can bring to reduce your gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD) risk. The main symptoms of GERD include acid reflux and stomach burns, so that hardcore coffee drinkers may wish to refresh. The letter also suggests not to consume onlyTwo cups of coffee, tea or soda a day.

As a leader of the research letter, Raaj S. mehta, MD, a boy of gastroenterology at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School, explains toEat this, not that!, "We decided to recommend more than two cups a day of coffee, tea or soda, because in our previousto study... We found that the substitution of two cups a day of coffee, tea or soda with two cups of water was associated with a modest reduction in the risk of symptoms of GERD. "

But do not worry - it is not necessary to completely eliminate your morning coffee cup. Mehta adds: "coffee, especially, has many moreHealth benefitsThus, these recommendations do not suggest that people must give it completely! Simply reduce a few cups should be enough to reduce your chances of living stomach burns.

"The mechanism by which coffee, tea or soda can contribute to the symptoms of reflux can be bonded to caffeine, which can weaken the esophagus valve that prevents the estomac acid reflux", the Senior Author of the study, Andrew T. Chan, MD, MPH of MGH, explains. "However, this is probably not the only option that even people who drink decaffeinated coffee seem to have a higher risk of reflux."

Other Letter Recommendations for Lifestyle Changes To reduce GERD include participation at least 30 moderate to vigorous exercise daily, keeping a "cautious" plan and avoid smoking. By making these behavioral changes, you can avoid the risks associated with the transformation of potentially dangerous drugs to deal with the problem, explains chan.

For more insight on foods in Nosh on (and stay away) to avoid stomach burns, see these28 best and worst food for acid reflux.

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: coffee / Health Tips / News
By: yen
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