Here who will cause a covid push this month, say experts

"It's up to unleash small Ticking time bombs," warned a doctor.

The arrival of the holiday season is usually one of the happiest time of the year. But as surpasses the United StatesCoronavirus 10000000th case And continues to see the numbers break from coast to coast, many work with the fact thatbringing together friends and family Maybe not this year so simple or joyful. In reality,many experts say they are waitingStudents who come home to live on campus to cause an important coronavirus rise this month. Read on to find out what this could mean for your Thanksgiving plans, and more about which places have already taken steps to slow down the propagation of COVID, seeThese states start at Lock Down again again.

While the thanksgiving usually sees a migration of students who come home to celebrate the party, 2020 presented a unique challenge in the danger that hundreds of thousands of young people simply pose inThe house while traveling potentially infectious with coronavirus,The New York Times reports. To try to reduce the risk of spreading the disease,colleges across the country Have started developing protocols that will help students hold and their families safely before going home, but without a coherent approach throughout the country, much question of how these effective efforts will actually be.

Many schools that have attacked high rates of infection, such as the University of Michigan, instituteMandatory screening Before allowing students living on campus to leave, while offering free voluntary screening for all other off-campus students. But other great schools, like the University of Pennsylvania, are of short stop requiring tests that stronglyencourage To take advantage of free trials before they come home.

Experts point out that choice methods are likely to fall shortmany asymptomatic students Go leave the campus without feeling the need to test while being contagious. "There is a responsibility to not unleash ticking of delay bombs,"A. David Paltiel, MD, Professor of Health and Management Policy at Yale School of Public Health, saidThe New York Times. "But that has not yet reached the radar screen many college administrators. »

Meanwhile, some schools have held hope that students would use their judgmentIn search of COVID tests, Necessary or not. "I would prefer to give people as much information as possible and the confidence they will make a decision that is best for them and their families instead of putting rules that could be broken,"Erika Cheng, Deputy Director for Attenuation Tests at the University of Indiana, saidThe temperature. "We can not force anyone to do anything. »

Although it may be more difficult to celebrate the holidays this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has come with some recommendations on how to stay safe. Read on to see what they are, and more about other places you've at risk, seeGo here double every day your chances of catching Covid, CDC says.

Read the original article onBetter life.

Do not mix inside households.

adults and children gather around a thanksgiving table inside

It can be difficult to imagine thanksgiving without a comfortable dining room table covered in the delicious food and surrounded by its loved ones. But according to the CDC,Stay safe this year Meaning to avoid large gatherings inside with people that you do not already live with. Instead, try setting up a way to enjoy the meal together virtually via the video chat and keep the low workforce by feast with your only immediate household. And to know more about who is to put yourself at risk of getting sick, know thatIf you live with someone, you are more likely to get Covid.

Do not run or watch a race.

Group of runners wearing protective face masks while participating in a race during virus epidemic
Drazen Zigic / Shutterstock

Your local turkey trot can be one of the healthiest traditions you observe every Thanksgiving, but according to the CDC, it will not be the year in Lacer. They suggest not to participate or attend races to help reduce the risk of covid propagation. And for more information up-to-date on coronavirus,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Do not buy black Friday sales in person.

white woman with brown hair wearing face mask and bright pink coat while shopping at mall and looking at a jacket
Juliya Shangarey / Shutterstock

Even if participation inBUSTER HOLDER Sales Friday Black is a favorite family spent time, you have to sit probably this year. The CDC says that the crowds generated by those looking for the best gifts a high risk for the CVIV-19 broadcast. The good news? You can search for mostBest online deals Safely sitting on your sofa this year anyway. And for some ideas about what to buy, consultOprah's favorite things less than $ 50.

Do not drink too much.

closeup of hands clanking wine glasses over thanksgiving table / Shutterstock

There is nothing wrong with enjoying a glass of wine to grill all you are grateful for this year. But the CDC also warns that the excessive consumption of drinking can lead you to let your guard and become uninhibited, making you commit to commit themselves inRisky behavior that could extend Covid. This year, make sure you keep your mind on you to keep you and that your loved ones are safe. And for more risk behavior, be aware thatMissing this vitamin puts you at risk of severe Covid, the study says.

Do not attend a parade.

Snoopy balloon floats in the air during the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade along Avenue of Americas with the Radio Music Hall in the background on November 27, 2014.

Like local races, many families have a tradition of transforming to spectators for city or city parades. But this year, the CDC suggests that people were not searched in the streets or participate in local parades. If your heart is ready to see floats, you're lucky: theMacy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Will always be held, but on television only. And for places running coronavirus numbers to coronavirus, discoverThis state has just changed its position on masks.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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