These foods can wreak havoc on your skin, a new study indicates

Treat your incentive on the right and your skin can benefit from it.

Is your skin a little stained or dull? Or even worse, is the pestic skin disorder stops more than usual? According to a new study,your diet could be to blame.

New research from the University of California Davis Santé discover that the key tohealthy skin And the joints may have to do with what you feed your intestinal microorganisms. More specifically, a diet that issugar and saturated greases (AKA processed foods) disrupt the balance of bacteria into the intestine and could contribute to inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis.

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The study, which was published in theSurvey logDermatology, suggests that the procurement of a Western diet - or once it is filled withfast food and other highly transformed articles - to a more balanced diet can restore the health of the intestines. In turn, a power supply full ofanti-inflammatory Fruits and vegetables can then remove inflammation from the skin.

fruit salad

"Previous studies have shown that the western regime, characterized by its high sugar and fat content, may result in significant skin inflammation and psoriasis flares," Sam T. Hwang, Professor and President of Dermatology at the 'UC Davis Health and Senior Author of the study,said in a declaration. "Despite powerful anti-inflammatory drugs for the skin condition, our study indicates that simple changes in the diet can also have significant effects on psoriasis."

Here is the key to take away from the study:

First, let's recap that psoriasis is.

Psoriasis on elbow

Experts believe psoriasisis a self-immune diseaseLike red scaly patches, immune capabilities are wrongly attacking healthy skin cells. Up to 30% of people with psoriasis also havepsoriatic arthritis, which can lead to swelling in the fingers and toes to pain in the joints.

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Disturbances in intestinal bacteria can contribute to inflammation throughout the body.

unhealthy dinner

Studies Have systematically suggested that the community of microorganisms living in your intestines, called microbiota, plays key roles in the regulation of inflammation throughout the body. It means that fuelintestinal bacteria With healthy foods, it is essential to maintain the balance of good intestinal bacteria. A microbial equilibrium disturbance, called dysbiosis, can contribute to inflammation in the intestine.

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Researchers find that only food choices can restore the microbial balance of the GUT.

healthy foods

As researchers note, food is one of the main modifiable factors governing the Gut microbiota. To put this to the test, they injected mice with a protein generated by immune cells called Interleukin-23 (IL-23) for inducing a response that mimics psoriasis and psoriatic polyarthritis. They nourished the mice a diet rich in sugar and fat for six weeks before administering the protein.

The result? A Western short-term regime, such as this one, it seemed to cause microbial imbalance and predispose mice on the skin and articular inflammation.

"There is a clear link between skin inflammation and changes in intestinal microbioma due to food intake," Hwang said. "The bacterial balance in the intestine is disturbed shortly after starting a western regime and has aggravated psoriastic skin and articular inflammation."

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Switching a balanced diet can restore the GUT microbiota.

healthy meal
Brooke Lark / Beldshshshsh

After injected mice with inflammatory proteins IL-23, they were separated into two groups: one that continued to eat the Western diet for four weeks and a balanced diet (for the same duration). Those who consumed a healthier diet had less skin scale and a reduced ear thickness than mice that continued to eat the diet rich in fat and sugar.

The results suggest that the passing of a healthier power supply can have rapid results on skin inflammation.

"It was quite surprising that a simple diet modification of less sugar and fat can have significant effects on psoriasis," said Zhenrui Shi, an assistant researcher visiting the Dermatology Department of CPU Davis and author of the study in a statement. "These results reveal that patients with psoriatic skin and articular diseases should consider changing healthier dietary scheme."

For more, be sure to checkBest supplements for better skin, according to experts.

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