If you get a Covid-19 vaccine, you can get this for free
The company encourages people to get Covid vaccine.

TheCOVID vaccine begins to be administered to health professionals and residents of the long-term care facility across the United States but somePeople are still skeptical. According to the latest Gallup poll on the subject, 37% of Americans always say that they are not willing to beimmunized against Covid. Health experts have done their best to encourage people to get the vaccine when available for them, and that some companies offer additional incentives, the last of which is Uber. December 17, UberPosted a statement indicating that the company would offer free or reduced rides "to ensure that transport is not a barrier to get the vaccine."
For more information about the Uber program to help people access Covid vaccine, read and additional information about what is in the current shot, checkThat's what's really in the Covid vaccine.
Read the original article onBetter life.
Uber offers 10 million free or updated rides.

CEO UberDara Khosrowshahisaid in a statement that the company undertakes to10 million free or updated rides. It also notes that, although the vaccine is an essential tool for fighting Covid, it isonly part of the battle. "A huge challenge of public health remains in front of us," Khosrowshahi said. "We will not only have to provide vaccines quickly and efficiently, we will need to stimulate public confidence in vaccine safety and ensure that all people can access them easily."
Uber tries to help with this boost encourage people to get the vaccine and ensuring that everyone has access to it. The company has not set a date for the moment the program will start, but they attest that in the coming months, they will "work for the most in need to get to a vaccination meeting - and at new for their second. and final dose. "To see what side effects you can meet after getting the vaccine, discoverThe CDC warns you to prepare these side effects of Covid vaccine..
Uber has partnered with organizations to ensure that the program is inclusive.

According to the Uber Declaration, the Company has joined organizations that serve "color communities that have been disproportionately injured by the pandemic", including the National Urban League, the School Ofhouse of Medicine and the Network. national action.
"We hope that our technology can help make the world's largest vaccination campaign in the largest vaccination campaign and transmit the benefits of the vaccine quickly, efficiently and equitably," reads from the Khosrowshahi Declaration. To see what an expert had to say about common misconceptions on the vaccine, checkDr. Fauci simply demystated the 4 biggest myths on the Covid vaccine.
Uber also gave free walks to health workers earlier in the pandemic.

This is not the first time that Uber arrived at the rescue with an indispensable transport help. At the beginning of the pandemic, Uber is committed to providing 10 million free and reduced walks and food deliveries to health care workers, the elderly and other needs. And for more information up-to-date on COVID and the vaccine sent directly into your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
Uber wants its employees to be in the next priority group for vaccination.

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) recommended that thefirst round of vaccines Go to health workers and residents of long-term care facilities. Once these groups are satisfactorily vaccinated, it is estimated that key workers, including those working in transportation, will then be online.
According to the edge, December 10,Uber sent letters to each American governorAsking that they grant the status of essential workers Uber drivers so they can be included in the priority group for vaccination. "After nine months on the front lines taking into account their communities, we ask the governors in all 50 states to prioritize the drivers and delivery people to access early vaccines," Khosrowshahi said in a statement to the edge the Verge. And for more when afteryoumight be able to get your shots, discoverWhen the vaccine Covid comes to your local pharmacy.

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