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Did you know that there are many foods that can cause cancer? Even though we often consume these foods!

Did you know that there are many foods that turned out to cause cancer? Even though these foods are often consumed, you know! What are the foods and why are they called causing cancer?

This time we will explain 9 foods or drinks that we may consume so far so far, but it turns out to cause cancer to be reported from various health sources. Let's look at the first list below.

1. Milk and soda

Cow's milk is said to cause breast cancer because there is a sex hormone content from milk. Breast cancer in women is triggered from hormone response, because about 75 percent of pregnant and breastfeeding dairy cows. So it can be concluded that drinking cow's milk is a cause of rising hormone levels that can increase the risk of breast cancer.

While soda can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer because high levels of soda sugar force the pancreas to remove insulin to regulate sugar metabolism. Not only that, the coloring in soda is 4-methylimidazole (4-mei) has the potential to cause lung and blood cancer. Because the 4-Mei substance creates a tanned color in soft drinks and triggers cancer.

2. Processed meat

In 2015, IARC classified processed meat such as sausages, ham, and Bacon a cause of "definite" cancer. The reason for this concern occurs because of a chemical called nitrite. What's wrong with nitrite?

Nitrite is used in processed meat to stay fresh and durable. However, if this processed meat is cooked at high temperatures, nitrite will form a cancer -causing compound called nitrosamine or carcinogenic. Then can we not eat processed meat at all? According to NHS, you can still consume processed meat less than 70 grams a day.

3. Red meat

In addition to processed meat, red meat such as beef, goat, sheep, and pork also can increase the risk of cancer you know! This happened because one of the molecules named Hem. If you consume too much hem, then this can cause cellular changes in the large intestinal layer, causing colon cancer.

So WHO mentions red meat can be carcinogenic for humans. Because the risk of colon cancer increases by 12 percent with each red meat intake of 100 grams per day. High consumption of red meat is also associated with pancreatic and prostate cancer due to carcinogenic compounds called NOC. So AICR recommends not eating more than 500 grams of red meat per week.

4. Cultivation Salmon Meat

There are several health studies that show that salmon from vulnerable cultivation containing 8-16 times the Bifenile Polyllorination (PCB) rather than wild salmon. Reporting from the Livestrong page, PCB is an organic chlorine compound that is often used as processed oil. This compound is also famous for being quite toxic and can trigger cancer.

So if you think that salmon is healthy, then you must be more selective in choosing the quality of salmon meat, and choosing wild salmon meat. If indeed the choice is only a cultivation salmon, then just eat it once a month.

5. Potato Chips

Did you know that a bag of potato chips can increase your chances of getting cancer? According to the American Cancer Association, potato chips contain chemicals called acrylamide. This chemical is carcinogenic and can cause various types of cancer.

Even carcinogenic effects on high -risk potato chips such as nicotine in cigarette smoke. So that cigarette smoke and potato chips both contain carcinogens that are harmful to health. Then can we not eat potato chips at all? It's okay, as long as it is enough 150 grams per month.

6. Fast food

Fast food or often called fast food Examples such as french fries, burgers, pizza , ice cream, and pastries. Maybe these foods you often encounter or consume. But did you know that fast food Proven scientifically causing cancer?

Fast food or fast food Is a food that tends to be high in salt, sugar, and fat, but on the other hand is very low in fiber. So that these conditions cause an imbalance of nutritional intake, thus triggering the abnormal development of body tissue cells into cancer cells.

7. canned food

Canned foods are harmful to the health of the body because it can trigger breast cancer? Yes, that happens because on the inside of the can generally there is a layer of bisphenol-a or BPA. This chemical can damage the health of the body.

In addition, canned food also contains sugar, salt, and preservatives that can add to the risk of developing breast cancer. As a result, you should increase consumption of fresh food by choosing your own vegetables, fruit, and fresh meat. If you really have to eat canned food, be sure to buy BPA -free and don't consume it often.

8. Factory Processed Bread

Factory processed bread that you often encounter in supermarkets is usually mixed with potassium bromate which has the potential as carcinogen or cancer trigger. So that nutrition and medical experts suggest that you replace the processed factory bread into a whole wheat product that contains more fiber.

Diet expert from Aston University, Duane Mellor said, "If you consume a lot of processed grains, you may not consume a lot of whole wheat products that contain more fiber you need."

9. Corn popcorn

On the last list there is a corn popcorn or better known as Popcorn. Why, how come? It turns out that the cause of cancer does not originate from the corn popcorn, but from the packaging that can be heated using microwave . Because the packaging usually contains PFC substances which trigger cancer.

So that when Popcorn heated inside microwave, PFC substances can seep into Popcorn Which is then digested by the body, and if settling for a long time will cause pancreatic cancer, kidney, liver, to the bladder.

Categories: Food & Travel
Tags: bacon / / / / / / Fast Food / / / health / / / / / / / Soda / /
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