If you have this condition, the CDC says you are now high for COVID

The CDC has just updated its high-risk list to include the sickle disease, which affects 100,000 Americans.

As our understanding of the coronavirus has evolved, the disease control and prevention centers (CDC)continued to update its orientations and information about the virus. More recently, the CDC has updated its list of conditions that make someoneHigh risk of serious illness Coronavirus. Certain pre-existing list conditions have been adjusted, but a new news has been completely added:oddanocytosis.

Oddanocytosis is a "group of disorders that affects hemoglobin, the molecule in red blood cells that delivers oxygen to the cells of the whole body. People with this disorder have atypical hemoglobin molecules, which can deform blood cells Red in a sickle or increasing form ", at the US National Medicine Library.

According to the CDC, the sickle disease affects about 100,000 Americans. In addition to this, "About a black or African American baby is born withsofty. "With sickle sickness added to the CDC list, we are now aware of a significant number of Americans at an increased risk of serious diseases of coronaviruses.

If you have a sickle disease, the CDC recommends avoiding potential triggers to prevent vaso-occlusive episodes as a result of theirTips for staying healthyand stick to telemedicine visits to limit your exhibition.

Older patient wearing a mask with nurse

According to a CDC press release, the update list is as a result of the revision of reports and data on coronavirus cases. "There was consistent evidence (of several small studies or a strong study of a great study) that [these] specific conditionsincrease the risk of a person Severe Covid-19 disease, "according to the CDC.

In addition to explicitly adding a sickle disease, the CDC also adjusted the conditions that were already on the list. The new list specifies that people withType 2 diabetesare high risk, while those with type 1 diabetesstrength to be raised.

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The CDC also adjusted its initial assertion that those that are immunocompromised are at risk, adding a qualifier than those that are immunocompromised following a "solid organ graft" are high risk.

The original list also said thatPeople with a body mass index (BMI) of more than 40 are at high riskBut the modified list specifies that it is now an IMC of 30 or more. And for more CDC updates, checkThese many Americans may have been able to have coronavirus and did not know it, declares CDC.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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