People who die from Covid have these two things in common, the study finds

These two horrible conditions have been found in all the deceased by Covid in a new study.

TheU.s. lost about 173,500 lives at COVID-19 so far away. And although we know that some factors, like your age, weight and underlying conditions - can make your coronavirus more serious, researchers learn more aboutwhich makes the mortal virus for some and without consequence for others. Now, a new study, outside the Imperial College London, made another discovery that indicates exactly killing many patients. Researchers found that mostPeople who die from COVID-19 Have these two things in common:Damage to lungs and blood clots.

The study, published in the newspaperThe lancet microbe, detailed 10 post-mortem exams on people who hadPositive Tested for Covid. All 10 patients showed signs oflung injuries and scars of the lungs and all nine of thePatients who were examined for blood clots had them in at least one major organ. Eight patients had a blood clot in their lungs, while five patients had a clot in their hearts and four signs of a clot in their kidneys. Another eminent patient in the patients studied wasimmune cell exhaustion.

The co-author of the studyMichael Osborn, MD, Honorary Clinical General Speaker at Imperial College London, said in a statement that the study supports "existing theories of researchers and doctors on lung injuries, thrombosis and cell depletion. immunes are theThe most important features in serious cases of COVID-19. "

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It is not surprising that Covid goes ravid on the lungs because it is a respiratory disease. But it is more and more clearlyExtreme expanse of the damage that the virus can do On this vital organ, even if it does not lead to death. "Researchers have discovered that long-term healing of thelungs, known asfibrosis, can be a problem, which could cause variable levels of long-term respiratory deficiencies, ",Ari Bernstein, MD, advisor forFruit health andCOVIDMD, previously saidBetter life.

Similarly, even those who survive Covid-19 have a high risk of developing blood clots, which canTrain traits or cardiac crises all the line.James Giordano, PhD, professor of neurology and biochemistry at the medical center of Georgetown University, has already saidBetter life that cases of Covid-19 serious triggercytokine storms, which is when the immune system begins to attack the body's own cells rather than the virus. And these high levels of cytokines can increase blood coagulation, "says Giordano.

COVID patient in hospital with lung damage and blood clot

The researchers of an imperial college behind the new study also identified some more surprising conclusions. In a handful of the patients, the researchers found a pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas),kidney injuries, Pericardite (inflammation of the pericardium) and secondary fungal infections, noting that these discoveries require "additional surveys" so that the experts can understand how these problems are related to Covid.

With the new knowledge gained from this study, however, the authors hope that clinicians will be better prepared to treat covidant patients. "This increased understanding of COVID-19 can help clinical teams in serious case management and to monitor and address additional complications as a result of the disease", co-author of the studyBrian Hanley, Mbbch, says in a statement. "The search for effective treatments will rely on understanding how the disease affects the body." And for more damage than coronavirus can do, checkThe 98 symptoms of lasting durable covidants you need to know.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers, andSubscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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