That's why it's important for men to be feminist

Women should not have anything to humans. As men, we owe it to women and ourselves to be feminists. Here's why.

I have no difficulty in sharing my opinion. Why would I have? I'm a guy. More than that, I am a middle age guy, hetero, married and white. The world is almost conditioned to listen to what I have to say.

But the last two years, I tried to do less to talk and watch more. Andlistening is different from the hearing.Audience Something does not necessarily mean that it is sunk;listen is active, it's hard work. It is also interesting interestingly, often considered women.

There is a reason why Siri and Alexa and other virtual assistants have women's names and voices. This is because the company expects women to listen, then do the job.

But now more than ever, it'sTour of women to talkAnd it's time for men to listen.

You have probably heard that women are angry - and they are right. All you have to do to understand why is listening.

Growing up, we have a sense of what is right and what is not. "Not cutting the line." "It's my turn." "But it's not right" is the basic objection of childhood. At the same time, success is success. The best football player in my class wasKathleen Brody, which was friendly in class and super-fast and difficult on the ground. There has never been any idea of ​​excluding it because of his sex. It would not be fair.

But when we hit two digits, things are starting to change. We learned to fun more attention to what boys reach and what girls look like, which leads to a tendency to listen to men and watching women. Suddenly, Kathleen's athletics was "Illafylike".

Similarly, when women show anger, instead of listening, we are retreading and saying, "Well, it's unattractive," which prevents us from hearing what they say.

Since women hadthe right to vote, to have their own bank accounts, and even their own credit cards (something that occurred only in my life), some people - of the two people - think that gender equality was realized and wondered what Women who are still fighting.

Well, there is a list of laundry responses - to close the remuneration gap, to stop sexual harassment, to get help for child care, for better representation, even not to be shouted To avoid smiling enough or not recognizing CatCall on the street.

Last November,A young woman was murdered By a man because she ignored her "compliments" of pussy on the street. As explained by state lawyer, "the defendant was angry, he was ignored."

Of course, this woman should not have her attention. Because women should not have any thing.

Instead, we, as men, should the women - and ourselves - to listen to women, support women and feminist.

You will hear many divergent opinions about what feminism means, but the realDefinition in Merriam-Webster Is it: "The theory of political equality, economic and social gender."

That's all. Equality. Non-dominant women, not the subjugation of men. Simply treat everyone equally. Fairly. With justice.

But if you want a reason to be a feminist who does not concern equity or equality, consider national security.

Last month, when my teenage son tried to delegate a YouTube sexist video in a discussion onStars warsI went down on him as a ton of bricks. Why? Because I do not want him to end up like one of these Gamergate joints, Trolling Women just to work at Marvel Comics. Some people might not see this as terrifying, but the radicalization of young men-being for white supremacy, jihadism, neo-fascism, what do you have ...begins with the denigration of women. Teaching a young man that a woman refuses her reason, that all women make fun of him, fill her head talking about betas and cucks, Mary Sues and Sjws, and he is appreciated to be radicalized.

So, the best way to keep our country safe and free is to be a feminist and teach our sons to be feminists too.

To help, I wanted to make a list of positive actions that men can take to show their support for women. I started the list with "listen", but I realized that I needed to put my money where my mouth was. If being a feminist man and an ally means listening, I should also listen.

So I asked the question to the women I know, both in real life and social media. They were some of their answers (used here with their permission):

Amplify: "Speak, act, calls bad behavior. Be visible in your support." Listen to what women say and add your voice - not talk about them or for them, but to speakwith them.

INTERROGER: "I just read a thread yesterday where" Does that go if I use this / these expressions with you? "was very useful." Ask "recalls consent."

Lawyer:"Speak when it's" just boys ". The locker-type binder can normalize the idea that women are less numerous. Be seen and heard about women, whether it's a rally, d an impression, posts, in person. "

I accept: "A really favorable man is the one who accepts gender equality without questions ... and without being threatened by her."

Attribute: "Knowing everyone when an idea, proof, or all that comes from a female colleague or another woman. There have been too many times in the last six months of my work where male colleagues have took an idea of ​​mine and said it was their own. "

Acknowledge: "There is a flavor of trauma that has just been invisible, incredible. I feel like I'm in a desert, and there is water, but I have to wait for the men to have their filling. And I know there are people behind me-people of color, all people with less privileges than me, who must wait too, and if I drink, they can go without.

He flows every part of my experience, knowing that I will have to work harder for less.

Recognize that. If a woman is more passionate than you on a problem, or more injured by a turning point, recognize that her emotions are valid and welcome them.

Recognize that there is pain in all women for the way we have dismissed.

And never, never, reject emotional subcurrents in a situation or ask a woman to put aside an emotion to see your position. "

And, as my mother pointed out when I discussed it with her, listens. "Listening is the most important thing," she said.

And for more on this topic, checkRebecca Trâter Good and crazy: the revolutionary power of women's anger. It's a book that everyone should read.

Categories: Culture
Tags: women
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