27 surprising things you've never realized inherited from your parents

They give you a lot more than brown hair and blue eyes.

We generally think of heredity with relatively simple conditions: you have your father's eyes, your mother's nose and probably some health problems of both. But the things you can inherit yourparents are much wider than your physical appearance or well-being. In fact, your genome dictates - or at least strongly influence - many parts of your life. From music and food that you like your driving skills (or your absence), here are 27 ways that your life is shaped by your inherited genetic features.


signs your marriage is over

Now, if you getcaught cheat, do not try to blame it on your genes. But there issome Proof that genetic variations could be a predictor of infidelity. In a 2014 study published inEVOLUTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIORScientists have discovered how our brains deals with hormonal vasopressin to partially explain why some people are cheating and others no. But it should be recalled that simply because a person has the gene, which does not necessarily mean they will be unfaithful. As with the number of traits, environment and education most inherited for many.


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If youlaunch and turn at bedtime Or do you find you wake up hours before your alarm, you could have your mother thanking. Research conducted atUniversity of Warwick In 2017 revealed that insomnia can be inherited, but it is only transmitted on the maternal side. Children with insomniac mothers do not sleep as long or deeply, but paternal insomnia does not seem to have the same effect. In this case, the inheritance is a combination of genetics and environment: scientists point out that, in general, mothers spend even more time with their children than fathers. Young children can pick up on their mothersleep habits.

Bad driving skills

woman smiling while driving in the car, skin cancer facts

In 2009, a team at theUniversity of California, Irvine, noted that about 3 out of 10 people have a gene that makes them worse behind the wheel. A protein, BDNF, helps the brain in the linkMemory Physical responses and people with the wrong driving gene produce less. Not only do these people begin with a lower driving capacity, they have trouble correcting their mistakes and learn new motor skills.

At present, no revised peer study exists only the binding of this gene at car accident rates, but researchers say they would not be surprised if people with the gene were more likely to 'Enter accidents.

Afraid of the dentist

Dentist Patient

If you prefer to jump a large building than to take a seat in the dentist chair, blame dad. Yes, the transmission offear Parents for children through socialization have been scientifically proven to include dental visits. In a 2012 study published in theInternational Journal of Pediatric DentistryThe researchers noted that, if a family member feels a strong anxiety about dental work, the rest of the family is considerably more likely to feel the same way. In addition, children are most likely to take their emotional landmarks from their fathers, rather than their mothers, when it comes to visiting the dentist.

Pain tolerance

The pain is hardly difficult to measure and compare between individuals. Which sends a person into tears may be barely perceptible to another and the difference is at least partially genetic, according to the research presented at theAmerican association of neurology Annual meeting in 2014. For their research, scientists have isolated four particular genes that affect the way a person perceives pain. It is a fascinating news for people with chronic pain, as this could lead to a deeper understanding of the disease and better ways to treat it.

Facial expressions

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You probably know that the features like the color of the eyes, the color of the hair and the shape of the ear are genetically inherited. However, according to theAmerican Association of Psychology, what you do with these features is also genetically determined. This is true: you can thank mom and pop for your facial expressions. AsAmerican scientistReported in 2006, some people born blind - or were among a separate birth brothers and sisters made similar facial expressions that their parents and other family members, despite never learning them. . (Fun made:Charles Darwin noticed the phenomena a century ago.)

How do you feel from the exercise

man lifting little 5 pound weights

Some lucky people experience a "high runner" during or afterexercise, which is caused by dopamine production in the brain. However, as revealed in a 2015 study published inMedicine and Science in Sport and ExerciseAbout a quarter of the population has a genetic trait that slows the production or reabsorption of dopamine related to the exercise, which makes the development of an ungrateful task.

These people can find other ways of fun stem from exercise by doing activities that they love, such as swimming, climbing or bike-just maybe a little difficult road to find biological motivation. .

Answer to caffeine

woman holding coffee in pajamas
Shutterstock / Antlio

Is there a medicine as an enlanted with American culture like caffeine? Some people simply can not start the day withouta cup of Joe (or four). Yet others find just feeling nervous and anxious. In fact, according to a 2010 studypsychopharmacology, Scientists believe that genetics represent somewhere between 36 percent and 58 percent of differences in a way that people metabolizing caffeine. The way your brain treats chemical adenosine and dopamine determines whether you will experience insomnia, anxiety, or, in the worst case, withdrawal symptoms.


friends gossiping while sitting on a sidewalk

Having the right variant of the 5HT2A serotonin-receiver gene can make you more popular, at least, if you are a college man. People with the so-called "variant G" of this gene tend to be impulsive and break more rules, making them more popular with their peers. In 2009, researchersMichigan University Studied this phenomenon with young men plan and go to throw. According to party workers, men with variant G have been considered more popular. That this applies to other demographic data in other environments (for example, where rules of rupture is not desirable) has not yet seen.


woman eating popcorn laying on the couch watching TV

For some people, procrastination feels as natural as eating, breathe and sleeping and it's something they can have picked up mom and dad. According to a 2014 study published inPsychological scienceAlmost half of procrastination trends can be written to chalk to genetics. In addition, according to a 2018 study published also inPsychological science, Those who have a greater tonsil-center of emotional brain treatment, and something that, by definition, is transmitted from your people were more likely to postpone.

How long do you get older

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Age can very well be "just a number," but that does not mean that the number is always accurate. It turns out that, telomeres which is the part of the DNA at the end of each chromosome could dictate the Look Age we. According to a 2010 study published inNature Genetics, In which scientists analyzed more than half a million telomeres, those who have shorter advice looked, on average, three or four years older than those of normal length tips. And for some expert means to turn around the clock, read on these100 anti-aging secrets to watch and feel younger than ever.

Your sweet tooth

Older Woman Eating a Bar of Chocolate, smart person habits

When it comes to choosing between candies and chocolate or fries and fries, do you always choose the soft option? If so, you probably held this trait of your parents. In 2018,Danish researchers found that people with a variation of the GENE FGF21 have a virtually incurable, insatiable soft tooth. They experience cravings and eat more sugar than others, but they also tend to have less body fat. Of course, that the fantastic sounds, but the news is not good: people with this sweet genetic tooth would be more likely toHypertension.

Bitter taste

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Brussels sprouts, curly cabbage, beers and dark hops all have an bitterness of their division. There is chances, either love you or hate you 'em. If you are in the first camp, you can have a variant of the TAS2R38 of the taste receiver gene that makes your taste buds less sensitive to bitterness. The minority of the population about a quarter, according to a report ofNPR-Is the version of TAS2R38 that makes them more sensitive to bitterness.

Level of risk aversion

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Skiing and snowboard can be risky sport fake movement and you could end up with a cerebral concussion, a broken bone, or worse. But people who do them can be genetically predisposed to take these risks.

A 2012 study of 500 skiers and snowboarders, published in theScandinavian Journal of Medicine & Sciences, Has shown that a particular genetic variation has served as a predictor of the risky descent behavior. People with this variation were more susceptible to speed on steep slopes (and, no doubt, will be another 360ºS) than those without it. In addition, scientists think these people might not treat dopamine as effectively as others, which means they have to take more risks to feel the same level of pleasure. In radical truth.


Happy man looking out of window happier life in 2019

It turns out thatSunny prospects on life can be a hereditary trait. According to a 2011 study in theActs of the National Academy SciencesThe gene that encodes the oxytocin receptors - the cells of your brain that respond to "the hormone of love" -Displayed certain variations defined in optimistic people and who have a high self-esteem. (These people also pointed out to feel strongly in control of their own lives.) Nevertheless, it should be noted that there is rarely a 100% correlation between a single gene and a complex personality trait, it is not necessary. so that a personality puzzle element.


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According to the same 2011Acts of the National Academy SciencesStudy, these oxytocin receptors that help determine the optimism of a person also help to determine another positive personality trait: empathy.

These people have a variant of three particular genes that constitute a good predictor for altruism, the prosocial behavior and greater ability to cope with stress. The good news is that a little more than half of the population (51.5%) has this variant!


South Asian man sneezes in park without covering mouth, etiquette over 40

Never looked at the sun and sneezed? You risk suffering from a heliooptalhammic and achievement explosion syndrome), without even achieving! Do not worry, however: it's a relatively benign condition - the only sneezing symptom when you encounter bright lights, especially sunlight. Although scientists are still not quite understood what causes it, as revealed in a 2012 study inAbstracts of medical geneticsThey assume that the probability of "sneeze photick"It's genetically inherited. If one of your parents sneezing when they come out in the sun, the hypothesis goes, then you have a value of 50% inheritance of this behavior.

The ability to trust others

Girlfriend checking her boyfriend's phone while he sleeps

People who are suspicious are usually in this way because of environmental factors - after all, if you have pain hurt in the past, you are less likely to open you again. However, the provision to be trusted may be more strongly linked to biology. A 2017 study onUniversity of Arizona I revealed that identical twins have shown similar levels of trust compared to non-identical twins, involving that the difference is probably genetic.

Be a morning person

morning people

You know23andy to offer DNA test kits This can reveal your ancestry (and other features). Recently, however, with their Edit's size data mountain, they started conducting an exclusive search. In a document of 2016 published inNature Communications, Scientists - who have been combed on the genes of nearly 90,000 people, determined that your DNA can dictate if you are a lark or night owl. Your circadian rhythm or "body clock" essentially indicates your body when you are more alert - and when you are not. Researchers have identified 15 genetic variants that can predict where, exactly, you fall on theSpectrum from morning to evening.


girl with sweat stains Embarrassing Things

EverybodysweatBut about 5% of the population is excessively transpusted. This condition is calledhyperhidrosis, and although it's not dangerous, people who can find it embarrassing. According toInternational Society of Hyperhidrosis, abundant perspiration circulates in the family. In fact, evenor Your perspiration can be genetically inherited. For example, people who sweat hands and feet are also likely to sweat excessively from their armpits, while people who sweat from face and chest are also likely to sweat from the back.

Musical capacity

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If you have already gone to karaoke at night in a local bar, you will know that some people have a much bigger aptitude for music than others. Although environmental factors - the ability to pay and take lessons, for example - are definitely important, musical capacity has a strong genetic influence. According to the 2014 research published inBorders in psychologyThe perfect deafness and perfect deafness in families, and some people acquire the ability to choose the height, pace and sound models much faster than others. You'd better hope that the next person with a microphone has the good variation of the chromosome 4Q!

Musical taste

father and son listen to music together

In addition to musical capabilities, your genes could also help determine the type of music you like. A 2009 study conducted by the technology companyNokiaIn partnership with Kings' College London, has shown that genetic influence accounted for about 50% of musical tastes. This relationship was the strongest for pop, classical and hip-hop music, but almost non-existent for country and folk music. In other words, people who loveMozartinherited from mother and pop, while those who can not have enoughKenny Chesney learned Mom and pop. (Interesting, the influence of genetics on the musical taste seemed to decrease as elderly subjects.)

Risk of diabetes (in men)

man getting a diabetes test at the doctors office

You do not need us to tell you that the Western diet - a lot of butter, red meat and pre-packaged or processed foods - is not really good for you. But, according to a 2009 study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the Western diet, when combined with a "genetic predisposition", can increase the probability of developing type 2. Oh diabetes, and sorry, the unemployed: the researchers found that this applies only. to men.

Aggression (in toddlers)

aggressive child

When infants become toddlers, many parents are starting to wonder what has happened to their sweet little child. The scene to which toddlers become more capable of exploring the world and exercising their will are often called "terrible Twos" and can sometimes be accompanied by aggressive behaviors: kick, biting, hitting and fighting. According to 2014 research 2014 of theMontreal university, aggression is much better predicted by genetic factors than parenting techniques. So even the best parents can sometimes be struck, bitter and touch. The good news is that most children grow up this phase, especially ifparents Respond to this aggression with care.


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It can be difficult to separate the influence of genetics and the environment with respect to athletics. MadeVlad Guerrera, Jr. Win 2019's Home Run Run Derby because he inheritedVlad Guerrera, Sr.'s Genes - or because Dad has taught him to hit the baseball?

The real question is not whether the ability of athletics is a genetically inherited trait, but exactly how much is due to genetics and how much the product of the environment is a product. According toNational Library of the United StatesResearchers estimate that 30% to 80% of athletics is due to genetic factors. Even the best marathon riders are slightly different on a genetic level of remote speed riders.


a young girl playing with a smartphone

Intelligence is a delicate subject and scientists disrupting the best way to measure it for centuries. However, what we know is that genetics plays a major role, according toRobert Plomin, Deputy Director of the MRC Center for Social Psychiatry, Genetics and Development of King's College London.

According to its 2016 article inAmerican scientistIdentical twin studies show that about 50% of intelligence differences can be taken from genetics (when intelligence is defined as a general cognitive capacity). The rest is inherited in the sense of the environment-sensesmart parents tend to teach their children's habits and skills that will increase their cognitive abilities.

This ability to feel the odorous urine

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Asparagus is a great deal of accompaniment for a healthy dinner, but some people avoid it for a very specific reason: as the human body digests asparagus, it produces compounds containing sulfur that feel The urine of the eater's urine not so large. However, somewhere between 20% and 40% of the population can not feel these compounds. It's not that their blowjob does not feel funky - it's because their noses can not detect the smell. According to a 2010 study published inPLOS genetics (Also led by 23andy), only one genetic mutation frees these people feeling bad things. Will genetic therapy ever be available for the rest of us? Only time will say. And for more than an amazing trivia on your body, here is50 amazing health events that will improve your health.

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