Trader Joe's has just added a new flavor of this healthy dessert

The size of this treatment is really what makes it special!

There is a reason why the mini maintains ice cream cones cone toJoe's Trader made on the list ofTop Five Favorite Desserts At the grocery chain last year: it's a real fan favorite. Now there is a new flavor to fall in love with! This is true, people: the mini coffee grain maintain the ice creams of the cone are officially in the stores.

The tiny treats have coffee ice cream in a chocolate cone that is surmounted by a chocolate coating. Instagram account@Traderjoeslist Published on the find recently, and that is to sayPeople are excited. We are also because they areactually an excellent option When you want something sweet! (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)

As always, dessert is the best of moderation - but it's theCut From this sweet that we love. A box has eight treats inside, but a portion is three cones. Together, they contain 250 calories, 14 grams of fat, 9 grams of saturated grease, 33 grams of carbohydrates and 20 grams of sugar. But it's also three cones, and these numbers come down if you only have one at a time.

True, it's hard to have one! So let's do some mathematics and say you have two instead of three. It is only 167 calories, 9 grams of fat, 6 grams of saturated fat, 22 grams of carbohydrates and 13 grams of sugar. And that makes things more manageable! But keep watching the number of saturated fats - theAmerican Heart Association Recommends consuming less than 13 grams in one day.

For more information on new articles in this grocery chain, here is the9 Best New Trader Joe articles on the shelves, sorted by an RD. And to get all the latest Joe trader news delivered directly to your inbox by email every day,Subscribe to our newsletter!

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