Dr. Fauci just said that you should wear this kind of mask now

He said it would be "probably more efficient" to protection against Covid.

Masks offer protection For countless people since the beginning of the pandemic, but could we do more with them?Anthony Fauci, MD, Chief Medical Officer of the White House, approved a new way to protect me from COVID when it comes to wearing masks: Fauci says you should wear two masks, also called "double masking". Read it to find out why you should make its recommendation seriously and for more experts on infectious disease,Dr. Faisci has just warned these "disturbing symptoms" of long COVID symptoms.

Fauci said it's a "common sense" that double masking is more efficient.

Woman wearing and applying pollution mask to someone else. They are outside.

During January 25th. InterviewTodayFauci discussed an emerging practice called "double masking", which is where people carry two masks at once instead of one. "If you have a physical cover with a layer, you put another layer on," said Fuci. "It makes sense that thisprobably would be more effective. "

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) also encourage more than one layer, although it did not specifically say that you need to double-hide to do so. "Masks withAt least two layers of fabric are more likely to reduce the propagation of COVID-19 when they are widely used by people in public parameters, "said CDC. And for the masks, you should avoid,This type of facial mask is "unacceptable", warns the Mayo Clinic.

Experts say that double masking could be as protective as a N-95 mask.

N95 PPE protective mask resting on blue medical scrubs with copy space

According to the CDC, a N-95 mask can "filterAt least 95% of the particles In the air, including large and small particles. "It makes them more efficient than regular face masks, as the latter offer only a" protection against the barrier ", according to the agency. Unfortunately, most N-95 masks are reserved for health workers, which means that the general public is allowed to use fewer protective face masks. However, a licensed doctorDave hnida, Said, said CBSN DENVER thatThe double masking can be the answer to similar protection.

"Specifically what we say is that two masks can actually be equal to the protection of N-95 masks, which is considered the best respirator mask," Hnida said. "The reason is that you have ended up having more viral particle filtration - it becomes more than one obstacle course for the viral particle to make a path of air in your nose and throat, then in your lungs. " And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

The best form of double masking is a fabric mask on a surgical mask.

medical mask on clothes line with blured background,Reused concept

Recent comment Posted on January 15 inGuy landscaped science behind the mask wearing. Based on previous searches, the authors led on the effectiveness of10 different types of face coveringsThey recommend a double masking for "maximum protection". According to researchers, the most efficient protection form carries a "tissue mask tightly on top of a surgical mask where the surgical mask acts as a filter and the fabric mask provides an additional layer of filtration while improving the 'adjustment." And for more mask guidance more essential,The CDC warns against the use of these 6 face masks.

You do not have to overlay too many masks.


Do not go out of the hand when it comes to superimposing masks. Most experts say that double masking is a good place to start and stop, because the overlay of more short masks "risk of making too difficult to breathe, "Linsey Marr, PhD, an expert in virus transmission to Virginia Tech, saidThe New York Times. It would be rare, however, to reach this extreme point by superimposing two masks, she clarified. And to stay safe by coronavirus, discoverThe only thing you can stop doing to avoid Covid, says CDC.

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