Exactly how much money you have to do to be happy

Your wealth is not the only thing that counts. Your personality does also.

It does not matter how often we hear the saying "Money can not buy happiness", it's hard not toLook at the lifestyles of some of the richest people in the world And do not think: "Man, if I had my own private island, I would also be torn that Richard Branson."

But, according to the research published by the American Psychological Association, whether you are happy or not happy, it depends entirely on your personality. In a study published Monday in the newspaperEmotion,1,519 people asked questions about their household income with questions designed to measure the seven emotions that scientists consider "happiness:" Fun, fear, compassion, contentment, enthusiasm, love and pride.

Those who had had higher incomes tended to associate the most emotions that were concentrated on themselves, such as fun, contentment and pride. Those who have lower incomes, on the other, associated with most of the emotions that have focused on others, such as compassion and love. With regard to enthusiasm, no difference has been recorded.

What the study then suggests, is that people who are rich might be happy because they take pleasure in their personal achievements, while those who have more modest income could be happy because they take more pleasure in their interpersonal relationships .

"These results indicate that wealth is not unequivocally to happiness," the author author Paul Piff, PhD, from the University of California, Irvine, said. "What seems to be the case is that your wealth predisposes you to different types of happiness. Although the richest individuals can find greater positivity in their achievements, their status and their individual achievements, less fortunate individuals seem to find more positivity and happiness in their relationships, their ability to take care of and connect with others. "

Of course, the Doefd admits that poverty has a series of challenges and difficulties, many of which have been meticulously documented in research in recent decades. What his investigation indicates, however, is that many of these people seem to be able to find joy in things that rich people do not care so much.

"Wealth does not guarantee you happiness, but it can predispose yourself to live different forms of this one - for example, that you have delighted with yourself compared to your friends and your relationships. These conclusions suggest that Low-income people have conceived ways to face, find meaning, joy and happiness in their lives despite their relatively less favorable circumstances. "

If you are looking for a precise number of happiness, however, previous studies have shown that if the difference in happiness between someone who earns $ 25,000 and $ 75,000 is quite decent, the correlation between wealth and happiness is transformed after 75 $ 000. SinceThe most recent study Is from 2010, then adjustable for inflation, magic, the number of happiness would be $ 83,000. And for more secrets of happiness, do not miss these70 genius tips to become instantly happy.

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