Delta and Southwest drivers warn this flight safety problem

The pilots of the main US carriers are asking leaders to take action on a serious risk.

The pandemic has launched a particularly stimulating time forMain air carriers and the passengers who depend on it. But while the situation of COVID is improved, air transport is still faced with problems.Cancellations and flight delays Stay widespread and the implications of harassment in flight have risen in the middle of a highly loaded commercial aviation environment. Now, the pilots warn that the conditions deteriorate even further as a result of a composition problem. Learn more about Southwest Airlines and Delta Air Lines concerned pilot projects now warns.

RELATED:Delta Flights to these 5 cities, starting September 5.

The drivers of commercial airlines sound in the alarm of a significant security risk.

Southwest Airlines Boeing 737s in Baltimore
Skycaptain86 / iStock

The pilots representing the two main carriers published a new warning that fatigue increases between their ranks and urges the airlines to consider this question - as well as human errors, it could trigger - as a risk of security.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Fatigue, acute and cumulative, has become the number 1 of Southwest Airlines.threat, "The Pilots Association of Southwest Airlines (Swapa) explained to the top brass of the airline in a largely covered letter, as indicated by CNN Business.

The pilots cite mass cancellations caused by weather conditions as well as a strong demand for air travel - all while the airlines still have trouble recovering from the impact of the pandemic on business - such as the main sources contributing to generalized fatigue in the cockpit.

In the letter to the officers, the Union explained that the number of pilots who reported being unable to work because of the fatigue heavily last fall, including an increase of 600% in October and another "narcotic" increase. An increase of 330% last month, with the dangerous trend on the pace of continuing.

The demand for air transport is almost as strong as in 2019, but staffing levels are far from it away.

a crowded passenger cabin of an international flight

To better understand the conditions of the pilots currently facing, consider that passenger numbers are currently around 90% where they were at that time in 2019, before the success of the pandemic, in accordance with the data of the administration Transportation safety (TSA) reported by CNN Business. According to the Transportation Statistics Data Office, the main US carriers are always about 3,000 employees from the same period of the same period.

Over the past two years, thousands of pilots have retired voluntarily or aging with the 65-year role. In addition, the research of the Regional Airlines Association cited by CNN Business says that 2,000 other pilots will reach the age of mandatory retirement this year. And these numbers are expected only at the balloon in the coming years.

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The single staffing will not solve the problem, the drivers warn.

southwest airplane taking off with mountains in the background
Eliyahu Yosef Parypa / Shutterstock

Southwest recognizes that staffing is a major problem and has made it an absolute priority. The carrier hopes to hire 8,000 new employees this year, including 40% of the driving crew members. But Swapa PresidentCasey Murray says that this stage alone will not solve the huge problem.

"Many of our delays and our problems we need to do more with the planning and connection of pilots with aircraft," he told CNN Business. "These are ineffective programming processes that affect when we work in a very dynamic environment."

Delta pilots organized public demonstrations to raise public awareness of pilot fatigue.

Delta Airplanes sit in a row at Kansas City International Airport

Delta air line drivers also sound the alarm - and they do even stronger holding demonstrations at airports this month as a way to raise awareness.

The Airline Pilot Association (ALPA) wrote in amessage to its members Last month, COVID-related circumstances raised "several delta opportunities to reaffirm its question of broken pilot staffing", as indicated by Fox Affiliate WSVN. The union message explained that the problems become more difficult and hard to ignore when passengers flock to heaven.

"Delta flight operations continue to run the Red Line operation," the accession message is read. "So, if you feel that you worked more and see less control over your schedule, you're right; you are."

RELATED: The Southwest adds flights to these 3 big cities, as of June 5 .

Categories: Travel
Tags: / News / Safety / sleep
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