If you do not do it, your mask will not protect you, the study says

Without taking this other precaution, the port of your mask may not prevent Covid.

Mask Is one of the simplest and most essential steps you can take to protect yourself and help stop the spread of COVID. However, a recent study concluded that, which has just wearing a mask - that is to say without adhering to other key precautions - may not help you protect yourself. The study published inFluid physics On December 22, found that wearing a mask without social distancing is likelynot enough to prevent Covid spreading. To see why a mask alone is not enough, read it and for more information on the future of the mask,Dr. Fauci says it's when you can throw your face mask.

The study stated to decipher whether face masks are capable of providing protection against sneezing droplets in air and cough when people get closer to face-to-face interactions. Researchers used a machine to simulate coughing and sneezing against five different types of masks, including a N95 mask, a surgical mask, a two-layer fabric mask, a regular cloth and a two-layer fabric mask. Wet . They discovered that facial masks are not always effective in protecting people from Covid when they do not have at least six feet away.

"If the relevant social distancing guidelines are compromised, the study shows that foreign-to-air and coughing droplets could pass through all the masks tested (with the exception of the N-95 mask), Even when deleting an adjustment adjusted 100% ", reads. Although the masks considerably reduce the number of propagated droplets, enough droplets have done it by the material for susceptible to cause a disease when the distance was less than six feet.

"A mask helps definitely, but if people are very close to each other, there isalways a chance to spread or contract the virus, "the study authorKrishna Kota, PhD, says in a statement. "These are not just masks that will help. It's both masks and distancing."

Of course, there are masks better than others to protect yourself from coronavirus. Continue reading for the four face coatings to avoid and for a precaution that we can have it,Dr. Faisci advises against this single security measure COVID.

Used masks

A young woman wearing a face mask outdoors while holding a yoga mat.

We were all guilty of reusing our masks several times too many, but a recent study revealed that this action could be dangerous. The study, published on December 15 in theFluid physics, concluded that wearing a used ormask Could be worse than not wear mask in some cases.

Depending on the search, a new three-layer surgical mask is 65% efficient in the filter particles. However,If the mask is worn, which falls to only 25%. In addition, researchers have found that the worn masks have led the carriers to inhale more particles than without inhaled mask. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Face shields

Construction worker wearing a face shield without a mask

Face shields may seem excellent alternative to facial masks, but the World Health Organization (WHO) warns against use. In an update of December 1, WHO emphasized thatwearing a face shield Without mask would not block the droplets of the wearer to infect others or to prevent other people droplets from infecting them. And for the latest coronaviruses,Dr. Faisci has just given a warning about the new Covid strain in the United States.

Masks with valves

Girl wearing a face mask with a valve in it

While face masks with valves can make a more comfortable experience, they are virtually useless. The search for the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on 10 November found thatFace masks with ventilation valves Do not stop the propagation of COVID. According to the study, the droplets were able to move almost as far as possible through amask with a valve as they were faceless covering at all. And for more information on the current state of the coronavirus crown,That's how the COVID epidemic is in your state.

Masks without three layers

woman with face mask looking out the window on a bus

The last evidence indicates that a mask must have three separate layers to protect yourself from coronavirus. An November study of Virginia Tech thatTested 11 different face masks Confirmed that those with three layers offered the greatest protection against Covid. And for another type of face coating to avoid,The FDA has just published a warning against this type of facial mask.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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