This surprising supplement can reduce your risk of covidation, a new study indicates

Taking this supplement is associated with a risk reduction of 30% of the risk, researchers say.

Coronavirus has beenparticularly devastating in recent weeksBut fortunately, there are also glimmers of hope. The vaccine data at the beginning of Pfizer and beyond promising developments in potential treatments, we also acquired new knowledge of the means we cantake our safety in our own hands. Such a preview, recently published in the journalPLOS BIOLOGY, IdentifiedA popular supplement that can simply reduce your risk of Covid significantly: the help of popular sleep, melatonin.

The use of an artificial intelligence platform designed to identify drugs that could be reused to combat Covid-19,researchers passed the data from the COVID-19 register of Cleveland Clinic. They found that patients who regularly have melatonin were 30 percentless likely of positive test For SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19. In particular, risk reduction was even more striking among African Americans: their chances of contractor coronaviruses decreased by 52 percent from the patient's pool. This was true after adjustment for "age, race, tobacco history and various comorbidal diseases," explains the study.

Of course, while the results are positive, other research is needed to confirm the positive effect of the supplement. According toFEIXIONG CHENG, Ph.D., Assistant Staff at the Cleveland Clinic Institute of Genomics Medicine and Senior Profile, "Large-scale observation studies and randomized controlled trials are essential to validate the clinicbenefit of melatonin For patients with COVID-19, but we are excited by the associations put forward in this study and the opportunity to sue explore them ".

Until then, doctors warn that you shouldnot Start taking melatonine supplements without speaking first with your doctor. As Mayo Clinic indicates, melatonin can come with benign side effects,including headaches, Dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, and more. Read more For more supplements that can help stimulate your immune health during the COVID crisis, and for more supplements that can reduce your risk of coronavirus, seeBy going a supplement could save you from COVID, study of equipment.

Vitamin D

hand holding vitamin d capsule

While the Mayo clinic stresses that there is conclusive evidence is not enough to say that vitamin D can help you beat a case from the new coronavirus, studies have shown that those who haveVitamin D deficiencies are disadvantaged after infection only those without them.

"Research has observed high vitamin D deficiency rates among CIVID-19 people who experienced acute respiratory failure. These people had a significantly higher risk of dying, "the health giant explains. "And a small randomized study revealed that 50 peopleHospitalized with COVID-19 which received a high dose of a type of vitamin D (calcifiediol), only a necessary treatment in the intensive care unit. On the other hand, among the 26 people with Covid-19 which are not given Calcifediol, 13 had to be treated in the intensive care unit. And to learn more about how vitamin D can affect COVID cases, see80 percent of hospitalized patients COVID insufficiency in this vitamin.


ealthy product sources of zinc, including chicken, liver, shellfish, and eggs

Zinc is barely a miracle solution, but some doctors suggest that the extra charge could help COVID patients have better results. "Lower levels of admission to correlate with higher inflammation during infection and less good results, "a team led byRoberto Guerri-Fernandez,MARYLAND,Shared with WebMD.

pneumologistLen Horovitz, MD, from Lenox Hill Hospital in New York echoes this feeling, saying, "It has long been thought that zinc reinforces the immune system. A possible explanation in this study is that zinc can have an anti-inflammatory effect that protects. "

Vitamin C

Foods High in vitamin C on a wooden board, including oranges, almonds, kiwis, bananas, peppers, and more

Vitamin C is known to stimulate the immune system of, and while it is not at all capable of cure coronavirus, it could still very useful during the next"Twindemic" this winter. Whether to help you fight cold, flu, or something else, this supplement can help you avoid other diseases that might aggravate and complicate a case of Covid.

And do not forget, your diet is the best source of vitamins. Loading on citrus fruits, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, peppers, and more can help you at vitamin C levels - without taking a single pill. And for more on getting all vitamins your body needs, consult these20 surprising signs that you have vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin B

Assorted vitamin supplement pills resting in the palm of a hand

Vitamin B has not been proven to have a direct effect on coronavirus, butis known to help keep yourimmune system Top-shaped top.

A study on theLink between Covid and Vitamin B found that "the correct activation assistance of innate and adaptive immune responses, reduces pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, improves respiratory function, maintains endothelial integrity, prevents hypercoagulability and can reduce the length of stay. 'hospital". The study suggests that, for these reasons, a vitamin B status of the COVID patient must be evaluated with their state of vitamin D.

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