The only thing of covidant patients say they can not eat anymore

People who have recovered from the virus call it "horrible" and "putrid".

TheSymptoms of Covid May vary savagely, headaches to digestive disturbances with extreme fatigue. However, there are a set of symptoms that have become a feature of the virus from around the world: aloss of taste and smell. According to a meta-analysis of 8,438 Covid patients published by the Mayo Clinic, 41% of persons with confirmed cases of the virus experienced theLoss of their sense of smell or taste. Although many people find their ability to taste and feel like they are recovering from the virus, these senses are not always the same when they come back. According to a new eater report, There is a special food for many people who have recovered from COVID can no longer be falling. Read on to find out what it is, and for more signs, you could be sick, discoverIf you can not feel these 2 things, you can have Covid.

Among a group of five people who have recovered from COVID and were then interviewed byEater, three said the onions stuck like aParticularly unpleasant food months after their infection had appeased. An old patient of Covid described onions like "horrible" to taste and the others described them as "repulsants", while a third party said that the perfume of onions had become so harmful they felt "Puttrid" and "dangerous".

This is not the only confusing change in your sense of taste or smell that you might meet post-Covid. According to a person interviewed by the BBC, Covid had madeMeat products taste like gasoline; and oneNewsweek The interviewee who had recovered from Covid said thatwine "tastes like oil" post-infection.

While a sense of smell or distorted taste can be a persistent persistent covidant symptom, it is far from the only disorders of those who recover from the virus. Read to find out what researchers at the University of Indiana and Survivorous Corps members have been theMost common persistent symptoms amongCovid Haulars. And for the last time on the propagation of the virus, checkDr. Fauci has just given this scary update on the new Covid strain.


Woman experiencing dizziness

Covid Haulars affected: 42%

Memory problems

Woman helping man with memory problem at home

Covid Haulars affected: 46%

And for more long-term symptoms to be aware, seeThe new disturbing symptom of long Covid doctors want you to know.



Covid Haulars affected: 48%

Difficulty sleeping

middle aged woman awake in bed at night

Covid Haulars affected: 50 percent

And for the latest COVID news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.


Shot of a man standing in front of the bathroom mirror looking exhausted, holding his head

Covid Haulars affected: 58%

Inability to exercise or being active

tired jogger in protective mask resting after running while standing on the bridge in the morning. Running at sunrise. Sport during quarantine. Covid-19. Protection. Staying active

Covid Haulars affected: 59 percent

And for more on what causes fatigue in covident patients, know thatIf you feel tired after that, you may have had Covid.

Difficulty concentrating or focusing

Thoughtful anxious business woman looking away thinking solving problem at work, worried serious young chinese woman concerned make difficult decision lost in thought reflecting sit with laptop

Covid Haulars affected: 59 percent

Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

Woman experiencing labored breath

Covid Haulars affected: 65%

And for more what could stick after the virus recovery, check whyDr. Faisci has just warned these "disturbing symptoms" of long COVID symptoms.

Muscle or body

Man feeling joint pain in elbow
RealpeopleGroup / iStock

Covid Haulars affected: 67%


Older man looking exhausted

Covid Haulars affected: 100 per cent

And for more information on the last fight against the pandemic, beware thatHere's how much you will be sentenced to a fine for violating the new mask of Biden mask.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / food / News
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