A nutrition expert just said that it's more important than losing weight

A former President of Obesity says there is more to well-being than weight loss.

For the majority of his career,James Hill, PhD, President of the Department of Nutrition Sciences at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, devoted his time and attention toHealth and wellness problems. And in the holding of positions such as the Chair of the WHO (WHO) consultation of the World Health Organization (WHO), this meant an improvement in the more physical aspects of a healthy lifestyle. He even helped create national guidelines fortreat and prevent obesity. But the hill leads the burden of rethinking what we believe to be a healthy lifestyle suggesting thatTake a holistic approach to well-being is of utmost importance, even more than losing weight.

"Well-being is always a rather vague concept without clear definition and no definitive measurement method",said in a statement In advance of the main address he gave September 28 at the 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS). He urged people to "consider the advantages and disadvantages of a concentration on well-being, as well as questions of definition, measurement and method of change".

four senior people meditating

The problem, like the hill sees it, is the separation of the different aspects of the well-being and the trend of people focused on their efforts on one thing.Diet and exercise, for example - as the answer to their problems. Hill says this singular approach simply does not work. Considering the fact thatThe adult obesity rate in the United States is 42.4%-The highest rate ever recorded, according to America's 2020 health trusted relationship, it is clear that something is wrong.

"As a country, we are not good. We suffer from what I callLifestyle linked to the lifestyle Chronic Diseases, "Hill recently saidSatellite. "I think we certainly need a concept like the well-being that can unite obesity,heart disease, diabetes, and so on. "

Hill even admits that he was guilty of not seeing the biggest picture at the beginning of his career. "I started again to be more focused on physical health: level of fitness, risk of diabetes, etc.," he said. "In recent years, what has become clear to me is that one of the key parts of this is theWhole mental or psychological component. "

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Once he had this revelation, the hill started thinking about ahealthy lifestyle not centered around a number on a scale or fear ofcardiopathyBut one where the meaning of an individual's self, their purpose of their lives, their physical well-being, and their idea of ​​happiness were not an idea or a singular pursuit, but mingle with each other in A concept: well-being.

So, what does the hill tell someone today if they asked him how they should go healthy?

"Think about why you want to change and plunge into reflection on how you want to align how you live your life with these things that are the most important of your life," he said. "The Change of behavior can happen. It is the durability of that difficult and it align that the way of life with what we call the goal in the life that is necessary to keep it. "And for more information on how to work well-being in Your daily life, checkThe best thing you can do for your health right now.

Categories: Health
By: veronica
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