The CDC issued a warning against these 4 face coatings

These popular mask alternatives do not stop viral propagation, the health agency warns.

For nearly a year now, the Americans were warned by the main health experts of the nation tomask, which turned out to be one of our best defenses against the coronavirus novel. But not just a mask will do; It is essential to choose one with good adjustment, materials and layers. Unfortunately, with innumerable options on the market, several stylesFailure to comply with minimum safety standards. The American Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) now warn that some popular facial coatings, especially several, commonly worn in winter, are "does not replace masks. "These can technically cover your mouth and nose, but in the end, they offer minimal protection against the virus. WonderIf your mask makes the cup? Read on Face Coatings CDC warns against and for more masks, checkThe FDA has just published a warning against this type of facial mask.

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While scarves are surely better than nothing, the CDC warns that they do not qualify as protective equipment. The health authority explains on its website that the scarves that are "used for heat are generally made of cowardly knitted tissues that areNot suitable for use as masks to prevent COVID-19 transmission. "They suggest rather to wear your scarfmore A protective mask.

During this time, silk scarves can be a different story. On aStudy of the University of Illinois, which has not yet been examined by peers, a single layer of 100% silk is approximately comparable toThree layers of cotton, offering moderate protection. Beyond its tightly woven composition, "silk in particular has electrostatic properties that canhelp trap smaller viral particles, "Adds a business initiate. And for more things on how to stay safe, checkIf you do not do it, your mask will not protect you, the study says.

A ski mask

Close-up portrait of a skier in a mask and helmet with a closed face against a background of snow-capped mountains and blue sky
Shutterstock / Yanik88

The CDC warns against the use of ski masks as protection against Covid-19, citing concerns about the type of tissue. While the organization recommends "masks made with breathable tissue (such as cotton)" and "masks with two or three layers, "The ski masks tend to be made of polyester poorly ventilated and have only one layer of fabric.

But what happens if you are considering skiing? The rule is always available: Use your usual mask for viral protection and add additional layers for heat on top. And for more masks, checkDr. Fauci says it's when you can throw your face mask.



With a similar design for ski masks, balaclavas have the extra disadvantage of letting the nose discovered. Although people can stretch the bottom of a balaclava over the nose, it will be a poorly adjusted solution with insufficient materials toProtect against COVID. The CDC recommends that if you plan to wear one of these face coatings, you must use it as an additional layer on a more substantial mask. And for more ordinary covid news,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Face shields

Freedom Studio / Shutterstock

Face shields are the only element of this list considered EPI, but the CDC always warns that theyshould not be used instead of a mask which covers the mouth and nose. "Face shields and protective glasses are mainly used to protect the eyes of the person who does it", explains the CDC, adding that they "have great gaps below and next to the face, where your droplets Respiratory can escape and reach others around you. "

However, the CDC also recognizes that wearing a mask may not be feasible in all situations of some people. If you have to weara face shieldYou must choose the one who "envelops around the sides of your face and extends below your chin or hooded shield," explains the agency. And to get the most out of your mask, discover whyWear this mask could be worse than no mask at all, the study says.

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