Do this for only 10 minutes can make you less solitary, a new study says

New research suggests a simple and fast way to fight loneliness.

Loneliness can be difficult to shake. Once you are in this Head-Head area, you can feel that you can not do anything to feel less alone. But there are many ways to help you feel more connected that do not require extended time or energy. In fact, according to new research,Feelings of loneliness can be fought in just minutes. Read to find out what you can do in 10 minutes to feel less solitary and for loneliness,It is the most solitary state of America.

Talking on the phone for only 10 minutes could make you feel less lonely.

Woman on phone call

Researchers at the University of Texas have observed 240 participants in the study in a month as some wereSelected to receive brief phone calls volunteers and published their conclusions in aJama PsychiatryStudy on February 23 According to the study, those who received calls reported nearly 16%Reducing their feelings of loneliness. And for more recent health advice,This thing can help you drop 20% of your body weight.

The researchers say you should contact someone you think will listen to if you feel lonely.

Woman talking to family on phone call

Main study authorManinder Kahlon, PHD, Associate Professor of Population Health and Executive Director of Factor Health at Dell Medical School at the University of Texas in Austin told CNN that volunteers aged 17 to 23 years oldhave been trained as callers, focusing on empathic communication skills, such as active listening and ask questions. One of the most important aspects of the study was the way participants led telephone conversations.

"Sometimes the agenda just feels to control," Kahlon explained. If you feel alone, it recommends reaching your hand to someone from your family or friend that you think you are "not judged and really interested in hearing you" for at least one 10 minute phone call. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Loneliness is likely to affect your mental health.

older man with his head in his hands

Trying to reduce your loneliness is extremely important to maintain your mental health. Although mental health varies in various ways can be affected, research suggests that loneliness can have a significant effect. A 2017 meta-analysis of nearly 40 studies published in thePublic health Journal found that there are "constant evidence" linking social isolation andSolitude of empire of mental health outcomes.

In fact, the study of the University of Texas has not only found signs of reduced loneliness, but also a decreased anxiety and depression. According to researchers, the number of adults who were at least slightly anxious dropped by 37% and the number that was at least slightly depressed dropped by 25% at the end of the study. And for more expert advice,Drinking this 3 times a day could help you live longer, study.

And mental health problems have increased considerably during the pandemic.


The Coronavirus Pandemic took many people on many people, because people stay at home more often and the ongoing social ties with loved ones. According to a report published by the Kaiser Family Foundation on February 10, the average number of adultsReport symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder increased by about 11% in 2019 to more than 41% now.

"In a period of need accumulating mental health services throughout America, this approach provides a rapid improvement in loneliness, depression and anxiety. Moreover, it is evolutionary because it is delivered by People who are not mental health professionals, "Kahlon said in a statement. And for more on the pandemic,It is at this moment that the Pandemic of Covid will be completely over, say experts.

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