Products from which it is worth refuse to rest
Any journey is small stress for our body. Never in advance should be predicted, as our digestive system will react to unfamiliar dishes. We advise, in any case, avoid the use of the following products and beverages on the trip.

Any journey is small stress for our body. Never in advance should be predicted, as our digestive system will react to unfamiliar dishes. We advise, in any case, avoid the use of the following products and beverages on the trip. Otherwise, a catastrophe may occur.
Crane water
In many countries, tap water does not correspond to sanitary standards. She may containMalicious bacteria, feces, helminth eggs. One sip - and the consequences for the body can be terrifying. Also carefully choose cocktails with ice and sweet carbonated drinks. To make them prepare can use water from under the tap. To secure your vacation, always buy bottled water in the supermarket.
Dairy products
Do not put yourself at risk and drink raw milk purchased in natural markets or farm. It can be infectedSalmonella, lottery or other dangerous bacteria. They also do not cause confidence cheeses, yogurts, sour creed made from unpasteurized milk.
Mussels, shells, scallops are quite safe for health if there is sufficient heat treatment. In the risk zone - raw mollusks. So, an infected oyster can cause such an infectious disease asVibriosis.
Meat exotic animals
Recommendly dangerous dishes include rat meat, monkeys, bats. In some countries, the meat of these animals is considered the most valuable delicacy. But do not forget that these creatures are carriers of many dangerous diseases, includingTiffa, Trichinleza andPlague.
Reef fish
A separate danger to a person is reef predatory fish, such as barracuda, sea perch and moray. In the tissues of these fish may be containeddecent portion of poison -Siguokoxinwhich cannot be eliminated even heat treatment. The greatest probability to poison toxic fish in the Caribbean countries.
Raw eggs
Many adore eggs sick or pashota eggs. And what to say about the gentle Dutch sauce from yolks? But take care in advance about the quality of the used product. Raw eggs are potentially very dangerous for a person, as they can be infectedBacteria salmonella.
Sweets with cream
Desserts based on fat cream cream quickly deteriorate. Due to improper storage in them beginActively multiply bacterialeading to serious poisoning. If you do not want to overshadow your vacation, buy sweets stored in the refrigerator, and not outdoors.
Fresh vegetables and fruits
If you are not sure how thoughtfully was washed with high-quality water purchased vegetables or fruits, refuse meals. For the same reason, it is necessary to treat freshly squeezed juices with caution. The best option to order vegetables that have been heat treatment, for example, grilled.
On the journey it is better to abandon alcoholic cocktails. This primarily concerns alcohol to spill. No one can guarantee the quality of such a product.First place among all types of poisoning occupies precisely intoxication from poor quality alcohol. But do not be paranoid. In economically developed countries, the draft beer from local brewers is unlikely to hurt you.

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