The 4 best ways to reduce your risk of colon cancer, according to doctors

Some simple habits can help reduce your chances of developing this potentially fatal disease.

YourDaily lifestyle and habits may increase or reduce your risk ofDevelop chronic diseases Including heart disease, obesity and certain types of cancer. One of them is colorectal cancer - thethird most commonly diagnosed cancer In the United States, colorectal cancer should kill more than 52,500 Americans in 2022, and according to the centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise are important contributors atYour risk of contracting it. This is why it is essential to adopt a healthy lifestyle as soon as possible. Read the rest for four simple things that you can do to lower your chances of being diagnosed with this particular type of cancer.

Read this then:If you notice it in the bathroom before 45 years old, check the cancer.

Move your body more

High Intensity Workout Class
El Nariz / Shutterstock

Regular physical activity Helps reduce your risk of all types of cancer. For example, a meta-analysis in 2021 of several studies examining the link between various forms of physical activity and the risk of colon cancer concluded that the increase in exercise levelsDecreases your risk of colon and rectal cancer. In addition, other studies have observed that colon cancer survivors who are more physically active have a lower risk of cancer recurrence and a higher survival rate than sedentary survivors.

Ben Wilkinson, MD, radito oncologist for coastal radiotherapy andGenesiscare, recountBetter life, "It is recommended to do the intensity exercise at least three times a week for at least 30 minutes per session. It is even better if you can find the time to exercise all The days, even if it is only a long walk around the neighborhood. If you are not currently active, start small with achievable objectives of a few minutes of activity. Achieving small activity objectives will greatly Build lifetime habits. "

Read this then:Having this blood group increases your risk of pancreatic cancer by 70%.

Go with a healthy diet

Healthy Food Spread
Marilyn Barbone / Shutterstock

According to a 2019 meta-analysis published in theMacedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, eating habits cause an estimated30 to 50% Cases of colorectal cancer in the world - and when it comes to reducing the risk of colon cancer, no nutrient is more critical than fibers. The daily consumption of fibers improves intestinal digestion and health, considerably reducing your risk of colon cancer.

The best way to get more fiber in your diet is to eat aplant -based diet And cut meat and dairy products. A meta-revision of several studies published inCurrent nutrition reports Earlier this year found that people eating a diet hadOverall cancer risk reduction, including colorectal cancer. Indeed, plant -based diets are abundant in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, all excellent sources of fiber. The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) recommends at least30 grams of fibers A day to ward off the disease.

"Eat a diet rich in fiber and low in saturated fat and added sugars reduces the risk of colon and rectum cancer," said Wilkinson. "The most impactful changes that we can bring to our food choices include adding fruit, good types of vegetables and whole grains to our meals. Some of the best vegetables for us are cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, the Cabbage and Brussels germs that contain special phytochemicals that can slow the growth of cancer cells. "

Reduce alcohol consumption and avoid the use of tobacco

Wine Being Poured
Michael Nivelet / Shutterstock

Alcohol and tobacco are widely recognized as issues for your health, but a less known fact is that they can also send your risk of arrow colon cancer. A study of more than 4,900 participants published in theBritish Cancer Journal (BJC) found that smoking was associated with a59% of the risk of colorectal cancer, while regular alcohol consumption was linked to an increase of 30%.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

"Smoking does not only cause lung cancer, and drinking alcohol not only hurts your liver; these two habits have been linked to colon cancer and can affect many different parts of our body and prevent us from living Our longest and healthiest lives, "said Wilkinson.

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Maintain a healthy weight

Person stepping on scale

One of the best things you can do to reduce the risk of colon cancer is to maintain a healthy body weight. According to the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF), a substantial quantity of research has linkedHigher body fat levels With an increased risk of colon and rectal cancer. Obesity is now considered a "global health burden" and should cause 20% of cancer deaths .

"Being overweight or obese has many health damages, and unfortunately, one of them is the increased risk of developing colon cancer," said Wilkinson. "If you are overweight or obese, start making small positive changes one day both and plan to make additional improvements week after week. Having a boyfriend that you register regularly can help you stay responsible, whether it be your spouse, friend or personal coach. "

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