If you have done it recently, your COVID is lower, reveals a study

This past behavior would have reduced your risk of Covid from 60 to 80 percent.

There are many new precautions to actively reduce the risk of COVID Contracting. Before the shot in case of coronavirus pandemic, you probably not a mask by hand at all times, and you certainly do not worry about keeping six feet away between you and the others. However, a new study shows that there isCoronavirus precaution that you have taken for years without knowing it. Continue reading to find out if you have already taken this measure to protect yourself, and other ways to stay healthy,Inhaulating this could reduce your serious risk Covid 90 percent, reveals a study.

If you have vaccines acquired in recent years, you might be less likely to get COVID.

Nurse gives flu vaccine to senior adult patient at a local pharmacy, clinic, or doctor's office.

To July study of the 2,02 mille-clinique Mayo which has not yet been examined by peers reviewed on 137,000 medical records and found a correlation that suggestsVaccines can help protect yourself from COVID, And not just the targeted shots in the virus. During an interview on February 17 with CBS, study co-authorAndrew Badley, MD, said the research concluded thatPeople who have received various vaccines In recent years could be at a lower risk of Contracting Coronavirus. "If you have received a number of different vaccines previously, your risk of having a positive Diagnostic Cov-Sras-2 effect was less," Badley said. And for the orientation of essential vaccines,Do not do this before a month after your Covid vaccine, experts warn.

Vaccines that could be to protect you from common blows.

Administering flu shot
Shutterstock / Blurryme

Of course, Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines will help reduce your risk of coronavirus, but the study revealed that routine vaccines could also play a role to keep you without viruses. The study concluded that when polio, measles, mumps and rubella, geriatric influenza, vaccines against hepatitis a and b, among others, were administered in a past five years, the person had aunder luck COVID contractor.

If you are an adult, you can not have received a lot of these shots from your school days, but if you have recently got them, they could contribute to the protection of your COVID. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

This protection is the result of vaccines training your immune system.

Closeup of vials of vaccine
Youngvet / iStock

"Normally, we believe that vaccines like the teaching of the immune system to react and protect against very specific invaders of measles, poliomyelitis, mumps, pneumonia, flu, and so on. It turns out that the immune system can learn vaccines unexpectedly, "said CBS correspondentMax Gomez, MD. All the vaccines you have received throughout your life have prepared your body to fight the invaders.

"Think about your immune system like a muscle. Most often exercise that muscle, the loud it is, "Badley said. "Immune training is the reprogramming of innate immune cells so that when they encounter a subsequent challenge, they have a more robust response. And for more ways your body could be to protect you,If you have in your blood, you can be sure Covid of Grave.

These vaccines are not a substitute for Covid vaccine.

Nurse applying vaccine on patient's arm

If you miss one of these essential vaccines, it may be time to plan an appointment to catch up. "Although the protection of non-Covid vaccines is not total, it is a reason to make sure you and your children completely vaccinated," said Gomez. But although these routine vaccinations could help you stay away from coronaviruses, but they are not a replacement for Covid vaccine. In addition to these gunshots, you should get the Covid vaccine once you qualify. And to learn more about the future of vaccination,This is to wait Johnson & Johnson vaccine, according to experts.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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