That's exactly what you should do at 1 hour. Every day, experts say

Suffering from the fall of noon? Here's all you need to know to get your afternoons.

If lately, you fell victim of the lunch, you know how drain it can be drained. And although it is always a common working day problem, the pandemic can actually exacerbate the question byInterrupt our sleep schedules, accumulate on stress and change our work routines and eating habits. At the top of all this, ourRhythms of natural circles Tend to slow down at the beginning of the afternoon, we dragging the depths of drowsiness.

So what can you do to fight the fall and feel you better? Well, you will first want to exclude any potentially serious metabolic disorders by talking with your doctor. But once you have identified the problem as well as way of shaping,Laucissance related to workYou can continue to reinvigorate your afternoon routine. This multiform approach to beat the lunch chassier will help you finally recover your day withImproved energy, clarity, mood and concentration. So, set your clocks, people! The new you start at 1 m. And for more feelings of your best, check these25 ways to boost your energy level without coffee.

Eat high protein, slow carbohydrate lunch.

close up plate of salmon over rice and lentils with green beans

We all experienced a "coma food", but most people do not realize that there is a real name for this phenomenon: postprandial drowsiness. To avoid this, start your afternoon by preparing a lunch that is rich in protein and fiber, and includes a small help of complex carbohydrates. The trick is to maximize your slow releasesources of energyAnd to avoid clearing sugars, excessive caffeine and heavy foods that will only slow you down.

Be aware of the control of portions at lunch time as well as too much to eat in the middle of the day can trigger your vegetative condition and make the most difficult to bounce. Research suggests that a smaller meal followed by aSnack of the afternoon in good health will help you keep your momentum go. And for more diets that will increase your energy, check the30 best foods to optimize your energy levels.

Go outside.

relaxed senior man outfoors

After lunch, take a midday walk outside. Whether you work remotely, in a desk or elsewhere, this change of landscape is essential to keep your energy.

In addition, studies have shown that even short periods of time in the sunreverse the effects of fatigue Giving you a good dose ofVitamin D. According toHarvard Health Publishing, "Under the good circumstances, 10 to 15 minutes of sun on the arms and legs a few times a week can generate almost all the vitamin D we need."

Hydrates, then moisturizes others.

woman drinking water what happens when you don't drink enough water

Then it's time for a large glass of ice water. It's a good habit all day, but it's much more essential when fatigue goes down after lunch.

Studies have shown thatEven light dehydration (quantified as a loss of 1.5% volume of normal water) has the capacity of "Change the mood of a person, energy levels and ability to think clearly. In particular, our feeling of sensation does not strike before we lose between one and two percent of our volume of water, which means that you feel thirsty, you are already well on your way to these negative effects. And to stay hydrated with style, check the25 best bottles of water to stay hydrated.

Break your routine.

Woman meditating on the couch

Beyond your natural circadian rhythm, your lunch fatigue could simply be the result of working a number of hours before midday strikes. If you notice that your midday climbing is less pronounced on weekends, your work schedule is probably the culprit.

You can resolve this problem by taking a break in longer work tasks and interrupting your routine with a mental variation. Try to call a friend on the phone, taking a shower if you work remotely, orspend 10 minutes of meditation. (Studies show that doing later is worth an additional 45-minute sleep currency.) Whatever you do, turn away from the screen, which can zaple your energy in your eyes, giving you headaches and you feel mentally deployed.

Stretch and move.

Put active may seem like the last thing you want to do during your afternoon crisis, but that's exactly what your body needs. Even 10 minutes of stretching, yoga or light exercise will help increase your blood and nutrient flow throughout your body, while releasing the tense muscles. Studies have shown that it is a simple way to lower cortisol levels , which can do wonders to reverse your feeling of fatigue. And for more on the benefits of yoga, check Yoga movement that will transform your sex life .

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