That's how often Americans really shower, the new survey says

Less than once a week at more than once a day, here is how often people are shifting.

Staffhygiene habits are, well, personal. Everyone has a different routine when it comes to when and how often they like to wash, brush, scrub, and clean. This is particularly true when it comes to take a shower frequency. When a person can think a daily rinsing is the answer, another may feel the need to shower every other day, dependinga new survey.

YouGov asked 5,713 US adults about their bathing habits. Continue reading to discover how often most Americans wash and discover how your shared shower frequency is compared to others.

RELATED:If you do this in the shower, doctors say quit immediately.

Less than once a week

Checking the water in shower

Respondents often have this showering: One percent

No matter how many times you shower, one thing you should never do when you are cleaning to go to the bathroom.

"If you pee in the shower, or turn on the tap and turn on the shower and then sit on the toilet to pee while the shower is running, you create an association in the brain between the sound of water and having to pee "Alicia Jeffrey ThomasMD, a physical therapist certified pelvic floor with a doctorate in physical therapy, said inViral Video TikTok on.

RELATED:If you do this in the shower, stop immediately, says Dr..

Once a week

Raine shower head turned on

Respondents often have this showeringTwo percent

As summer draws to its end, it is not. This means apeak summer shower you'll want to keep in mind, especially if you are not a frequent shower taker by, well, nature is not to forget to rinse after spending much time outdoors.

The CDC said that taking a shower in at least two hours of coming inside was "shown to reduceyour risk of getting Lyme disease and can be effective in reducing the risk of another disease transmitted by ticks ".

Once every six days

Shower drain

Respondents often have this showering: One percent

A habit shared shower you want to avoid isleaving the open drain when finished washing. Why? Because an open drain is an open invitation to cockroaches, entomologistDon Miller RecountAction News Now.

Once every five days

Young Woman in Bath Robe Getting Ready to Shower in the Bathroom at Home

Respondents often have this showeringTwo percent

If your hygiene habits involve less frequent shower schedule, that can actually be to your advantage instay safe during a storm, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said.

"Lightning can travel through the plumbing of a building", according to the CDC, and the free ions in your water can conduct electricity, which means that you riskbeing struck by lightning if you shower while it's storming it.

Once every four days

woman relaxing in a warm shower.

Respondents often have this showeringTwo percent

Whether you are once every four days to schedule shower or not, if you are a taker morning shower, it is important to monitor the water temperature if you do not want to damage your skin.

"Your morning shower should be warm and not too hot,"professional beautician Alison Angold recently saidBetter life. "Extra hot water not only dry the skin, but also remove the barrier coat surface of acid in the skin. The acid mantle is made of sweat and sebum and gives us an invisible layer of anti-bacterial protection. This prevents the protective bacteria to enter the skin, but also protects against excessive dryness, sensitivity, irritation, congestion and breakouts, so it is an essential component of the skin ".

Once every three days

Cropped shot of a man having a refreshing shower at home

Respondents often have this showeringSix percent

Temperature control is also important if you want to shower after sunset, at least it is if you want to sleep get a good night.

"If you take a shower near bedtime and it is very hot or cold shower, the temperature canaffect your sleep, "Rachel Salas, MD, sleep neurologist at Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep and wellness, saysThe Washington Post. "What you do is make your body temperature so different from basic. »

RELATED:Never do this when you take a shower at night, Doctors Warn.

Once every other day

pulling bath curtain, ready to take a shower

Respondents who often do this: 20 percent

If you shower once every other day, you can actually have another hygiene habit that doctors recommend: do not wash your hair every day.

The use of everyday shampoo can apparently strip your hair of natural oils that it needs to protect it from the break and keep your scalp dry. That is whyCarolyn Goh, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine Clinic at the School of David Geffen of Medicine in UCLA, said Webmd that it is better tolava your hair every two to three days.

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Once a day

A young woman washing her hair while showering

Respondents who often work: 51%

While the majority of Americans are shifting every day, some experts say it's probably not necessary.

"With regard to health concerns, however, it is not very clear thatA daily shower accomplishes a lot, "Robert Shmerling, MD, Chief of Clinical Rheumatology in Beth Israel Deconeness Medical Center at Harvard Medical School and Faculty, at the edition of Harvard Health, has been considerable. "In fact, a daily shower can even be bad for your health."

More than once a day

A man taking a shower

Respondents who often work: 11 percent

If a shower day once a day can be bad for your health, it's about reasoning that the shower can still be an even bigger risk.

In fact, an excessive shower can actually "decompose the skin acid coat, its natural protective barrier, leaving it vulnerable to the bacterial and viral invasion," considerable reports.

RELATED:The only time of the day, you should not show me now, say experts.

Categories: Health
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