It's the mental health error # 1 that you do now

Times are difficult at the moment, do not make them more difficult with this destructive habit.

Covid-19 brought innumerable challenges in addition to the devastating number of people who lost their lives because of the virus. Following the loss of employment, social isolation and the financial strain generated by the pandemic, there was adecline in mental health So many people in the United States that the issue is often considered a separate crisis. In fact, according to a survey of the familiarization of the Kaiser family carried out in mid-July, 53% of the US adults reported that theirMental health has been affected negatively Due to worry and stress on coronavirus.

But it's not just people who were already fighting with conditions such as depression, anxiety and drug addiction. People without prior mental health find these difficult moments take their toll. That's why it's so important that you avoid these destructive mental health errors that you probably do right now. And to maintain a strong mind, here's14 ways to improve your mental health every day.

You do not sleep enough.

Photo from the top of young girl sitting on a bed, eating dinner and watching television

It's difficult becauseSleep and Mental Health have something of a closely linked relationship. "Sleep and mental health go from hand, with many, if not all, mental health problems associated withsleep problems, "The authors of a 2017 study published inBMJ Open find. "Although sleep has traditionally been conceptualized as a secondary consequence of mental health problems, contemporary views prescribe a more influential and causal sleep role in the training and maintenance of mental health problems."

We know it does not always seem like something you can control, but there are things you can do to improve your chances of making you quality rest.Here are 20 lifestyle tips for desperate people for a night of sleep.

You do not get enough exercise.

Young woman is lying on the sofa and watching TV

You knowExercise lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke and other serious health conditions. But if you needed another reason to be more active, you might be interested in knowing that the exercise has also been proven to have a positive impact on your mental health. A 2018 study published in theThe lancet even found that "in a great American sample, physical exercise was significantly and significantly associated with self-declaredBurden of mental health"-Means of the study participants who exercised have reported less bad days of mental health than those who livedMore sedentary way of life.

You do not manage your stress.

Shot of a young man looking stressed out at home

Everyone is under increased stress now, which can lead to increased risk of developing symptoms of depression. "When you are stressed chronically, you increase the immune activity, which leads to chronic inflammation"Scott Kaiser, MD, director ofGeriatric cognitive health At the Pacific Neuroscience Institute, said previouslyBetter life. "This inflammation ignites your brain and leads toIssues of attention and depression. "

That's why, if you do not do things like meditation, go outside or talk to someone to help keep your stress under control, you make your mental health a bad rank. And for tips to help you avoid being overwhelmed, check5 ways easy to manage your stress right now, according to a doctor.

You can not stop "doomscrolling".

Woman looking at her phone on social media

Do you often find yourself looking at your phone, scan titles for bad news? If this is the case, you do something called "doomscrolling", a term invented by the University of New Yorkclinic psychologist Ariane Ling, PhD, which refers to the constant consumption of negative information. And although you can not avoid bad news entirely, you should really try to limit how long you go with it. This seriously affects your mental health, experts warn.

"The new news they consume by social media, the more likely they are to think that situations are worse than they are and the more they are likely toexperiment with anxiety, depression and the difficulty of sleeping Therefore,"May-Ly Nguyen directs, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Nursing School at Duquesne University, recently said Strong . "For example, reading more and more Covid contractual people could bring you to be hyper-vigilant and do not want to leave your home, even for a walk." And for more useful information about mental health and more taken directly in your inbox, Sign up for our daily newsletter .

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