The only surprising food to eat for a stronger immune system, says science

You may want to start buying this food regularly.

It is likely that you think that food to eat for aStrong immune system would be oranges, or at least anotherFood rich in vitamin C. But it would not be so surprising, is not it? Of course, vitamin C helps to increase your immune system, but it is not the only nutrient element that can give you an immune system harder formerly. So, what is this surprising food we are talking about? Why is Brazil walnut!

Did not see that come, did not it? Compared to popular peanut, almonds or even cashew nut, Brazil nuts are not exactly the walnut of the store. But once you have learned that all Brazil Nuts manners can help strengthen your immune system, you can be so inclined to grab a bag on your next grocery race. (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)

Brazil nuts are one of the richest sources of selenium. NewspaperFood Research of Molecular NutritionSelenium is a mineral that can help improve immune function in the body. AnotherStudy of the University of Cambridge also shows that selenium is effective in reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cancer andheart disease.

Now here is the real kicker-you do not even need to eat a handful of Brazil's walnuts to get your recommended daily consumption (RDI) or selenium. In fact, it is enough to eat a Brazil nut will give you 175% of your selenium consumption for the day. Eating an entire ounce of them will give you 988% RDI. Nut in Brazil contains 96 micrograms of selenium, including compared to other nuts that generally provide only 1 nut microgram, according toSatellite.

So how many walnuts in Brazil should you eat?By simply adding two nuts to Brazil on your plate when you eat a meal will increase your selenium status., according toAmerican Journal of Nutrition. You will get a sufficient amount of selenium in your body on a regular basis, which will help you give you this strong immune system you want.

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