If you take these OTC medications every day, you risk haemorrhage

Doctors warn the public against the appearance of these pills daily.

If you tend to experience a headache end of the afternoon or get up with muscle pain, it's probably youTake a low dose aspirin Without giving him a lot of thought. Although these countertop pills (OTC) are widely regarded as a sensitive preventive method against the heart attack or stroke, the current expert thought is that this common habit can actually bring its own unforeseen risks for people in good health. Unfortunately, the same qualities that make aspirin beneficial for those who haveheart disease Can also raise the danger of proven healthy patients with internal bleeding. For the whole story of why your daily aspirin may not be all it seems, read on. And for more medicine tips to keep in mind, checkIf you swallow your medicine with that, stop immediately.

The use of aspirin is incredibly banal in Americans.


At least 29 million Americans take aLow dose aspirin Every day, according to the search for the Harvard Medical School, as indicated byThe Washington Post. "The number includes about 10 million people who do not have a history of heart disease or stroke and 6.6 million people who take daily aspirin without advice or physician's knowledge", reports the newspaper. And for more medications to search,If you take this grateful medicine more than twice a week, consult a doctor.

Aspirin is a blood diluent that can lead to hemorrhage.

Idar-Oberstein, Germany - May 7, 2014: One Aspirin tablet, containing 0.5 gram of acetylsalicylic acid as active pharmaceutical ingredient, located on its blister pack with ten tablets. Aspirin is one of the most common and used pharmaceutical drugs worldwide. In 1897 Aspirin was first synthesized by the german company Bayer. It was mainly used to relieve pain and aches, but today it is also known to help to lower the risk for strokes, heart attackes and maybe some type of cancer if taken in low dosis regulary. This packaging is the one being sold in Germany.

Due to its constant apparatus in the home medicine cabinet and recommendations prior to daily use, many of us consider aspirin as a pretty benign substance. However, the properties that make it useful for heart problems - a blood thinning, which allows it to move more easily in the body - can also result in serious problems in those who do not have heart problems.

A five-year study published in theNew England Journal of Medicine In 2018, concluded that for this reason "Use of aspirin In healthy older people, healthy seniors have not extended uniquely survival over a period of 5 years, but have led to a higher rate of major bleeding than placebo. And for more OTC drugs to pay attention, checkThat's when you should take Tylenol instead of Advil, doctors say.

The advice around aspirin have changed recently.

close up senior woman using hand to touch stomach after feeling pain
Chainarong Praserthai / iStock

In March 2019, the American Heart Association and American Cardiology CollegeUpdate of their advice on the benefits of aspirin. These medical guidelines suggested that people who have little risk of little or moderate heart disease should not take aspirin daily, taking into account potential benefits that do not involve risks. They specifically reported the potential of aspirin to increase the chances of severe bleeding and, in the longer term, lead to peptic ulcers.

Steven Nissen, MD, Academic Director of the Heart and Vascular Institute, strengthened this point in a piece of the Clinic of Cleveland. "Baby aspirin is not benign, "he said, referring to 81 mg pills." There has been evidence for many years that for patients who have never hadcardiovascular event, Take that daily aspirin poses as many risks as benefits. And for more health guidance delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

Always talk to your doctor before changing your diet.

Woman talking to doctor

The experts are clear that no one should abruptly change their medicine or daily routine without talking about their primary care provider. "I want to point out that these new guidelines refer only to people who do not have heart disease, have not had a stroke and have no otherconvincing reason to be on aspirin, "Christina Wee, MD, then Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medicine School, said at the time the guidelines have changed, according to Reuters.

For patients who have had a bypass or have been equipped with a stent, or have already had a heart attack, their doctor could inform a continuous diet of aspirin. But for those who are self-medical, it might be a pill you'd better do without. Talk to your doctor and see if it makes you more harm than good. And for more information on the latest health tips, check why If you feel it at night, you have to check your liver, let's say that doctors say .

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