The CDC has a new Salmonella warning for these 8 states
Find out if your state of origin is one of the affected areas.

Like the pandemic faces a troublingfourth wave, all eyes are on the number of cases of Covid - so it is not surprising that smaller-scale public health warnings have stolen under the radar lately. On April 1, Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC) published a Notice of Inquiry concerning another health hazard recently emerged: aSalmonella epidemic currently affecting eight states side by side by side. Read on to find out which states are assigned and for another update of the health health of the CDC, discoverThe CDC says you should do it immediately once you have been vaccinated.
The CDC explains that this particular epidemic is consideredzooonotic, which means that cases have been linked to common animal origin. Animal causing all chaos? Wild Songbirds known as Pine Siskins, member of the Family Family with feathers "Small, Strings and Yellow".
A report from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) says that since December, "wildlife rehabilitation centers have been flooded with residents' calls that areFind sick or dead finches in bird gibbers. "In addition," CDFW Wildlife Investigation Laboratory has assessed birds from several locations and determined the cause of the disease to be salmonellosis, a disease caused bySalmonella bacteria. "
The report further explains that when large groups of pine sekins gather - especially around human fabrication foods - they can quickly disseminate the disease among them. The most infected birds will die within 24 hours of infection with Salmonella, but they can transmit their illness to humans, pets or other species of birds during this period, or even after their death.
For this reason, the CDC recommends taking certain precautions in case you could be exposed to wild birds. They suggest cleaning regularly and carefully clean all outdoor bird gyps with a solution of soap, water and bleaching, but emphasize that this should be far from areas where food is prepared or stored to avoid contamination. Never feed a bird from your hand, do they say and exerciseHand washing measures improved If you have been in contact with birds, places where birds gather or their faeces. Finally, they recommend that you contact your medicine provider if you present with anySymptoms of an infection in Salmonella, which includes the following elements, according to the Mayo clinic: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, fever, chills, headaches or blood in your stool.
Wondering if your condition has been affected by the epidemic? Read it to know which states are currently in the hot seat and for a new news on another Salmonella epidemic, checkFDA has just released Salmonella warning for this popular grocery store.
1 California

2 Kentucky

3 Mississippi

4 New Hampshire

5 Oklahoma

6 Oregon

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7 Tennessee

8 Washington

And for more new news from the CDC, checkThe director of the CDC has just smothered, describing "imminent doom" of Covid.

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