If you take these current drugs, you could give yourself nightmares
These four drugs are known to cause major sleep disturbances.

All of usDiscover nightmares From time to time, but if yours happens frequently, it can be a sign of a deeper issue. Stress-stress and psychological anxiety of your daily life, or a specific trauma that is profiled with great water can certainly cause frightening dreams. But other times, the problem can be chemical. Some stimuli can interrupt normal brain activity at night and if you take one of the types of current drugs, this could be a very plausible explanation for your nightmares. Read on what common drugs could cause you to lose sleep and when it's time to call the doctor.
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Beta-blockers have been known to cause nightmares.

Beta-blockers are a form of anti-hypertensive medication commonly used to treatHypertension. However, they can also cause disturbances in the way the brain responds to neurotransmitter norepinephrine, which means they can cause nightmares as a side effect.Good rx notes that beta blockers are "the most widely complained of the drug group when it comes todisturbed. "
However, all beta-blockers are not equal to their probability of causing sleep disruption.Beta-beta lipophile, such as metroprolol and properanolol - designed to dissolve in lipids or greases - are more closely linked to nightmares compared to Atenolol's medicines, studies suggest.
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Antidepressants can also cause disturbing dreams.
A class of antidepressants called serotonin selective recapture inhibitors (SRIS) are also widely known to cause nightmares, but the problem may be wider than that. "Almost all [antidepressant] ads prolong the latency of the REM sleep and reduce the amount of Sleep from REM," said a 2012 study published inSleep medicine Reviews. "Case reports and search data indicate a significant effect of ads onDream discount and dream content. "
More specifically, paroxetine (sold commercially in the form of Paxil) has been demonstrated significantly from sleep and dream disturbance. However, several other SRIS, including the sertraline (zoloft) and fluoxetine (Prozac) were also shown to have an effect.
The experts warn that the withdrawal of SSRI antidepressants can be even more directly related to nightmares than continuous systems. For this reason (among others), you should never try to change your dosage not to mention your doctor first.
Some types of statins can arouse frightening dreams.

Frequently used forlower cholesterolStatins are another common medicine that have been linked to dream disorders. "Although it seems that nightmares are occasionallyUnfavorable effect of statins, this is relevant to the patient and should be recognized by the attending physician since it is easily corrected by stop statins, "said a 2006 study published in theBritish Medical Journal (BMJ).
According toGood rxThe nightmares were most often reported in patients with Simvastatin (Zocor) drugs, Pravastatin (Pravachol) and Atorvastatin (Lipitor). If you notice sleep changes by taking statins, talk with your doctor about possible alternatives.
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Steroids might also be to blame for bad dreams.

Steroids are used to treat a wide range of conditions. They are "commonly used in [intensive care unit] and affect almost all critically sick populations, "according to a 2020 study published in the journalFederal Government Practitioner (PF). In the general population, steroids are often used to treat asthma and COPD, rheumatoid arthritis,Auto-immune disorders, allergies, inflammatory intestinal disorder (IBD) and more.AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
theFP The study proposes that steroids can trigger nightmares in three distinct but interdependent ways: by modifying your sleep cycle, put your brain in a state of hyper -tuition and "activate the sympathetic nervous system and the pituitary hypothalamic axis] HPA HPA , "-A a part of the brain that mediates the stress response system of your brain.
According to Good rx "Two of the most commonly prescribed steroids that can cause strange dreams are prednisone and methylprédnisone (medrol)". Speak with your doctor if you think these other drugs cause nightmares or other sleep disturbances.
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