These are the effects of dehydration on your body, according to a doctor

Do not consume enough water is a serious problem.

H20 does more for your body than anything else you can consume. Given thatWater guarantees that your organs occur Their essential duties, it is not surprising not to drink enough of this and being dehydrated could be fatal: according to theRehydration project, 1.35 million people in the world die of dehydration each year.

So, what exactly happens to your body when you do not drink the eight 8 ounce water glasses suggested per day? Continue reading to find out more about all the damage that dehydration can make to your body. And for more information on how your body works, discoverWhat happens to your body on an airplane.

Your plasma levels decrease.

When there is an insufficient amount of water in your body, the liquid component of the plasma called blood has less material to keep the blood cells liquefied. For example, a 2008 study published in the journalAviation, space and environmental medicine I found that when healthy men were dehydrated and motionless for only four hours, their plasma volume decreased by 3.4%.

So, why should you worry about the amount of plasma you have? Well, without a sufficient amount of plasma, your red blood cells become more concentrated. This means that they also have trouble carrying protein, minerals, nutrients and the significant oxygen to the rest of your body.

Your heart must work overtime.

This reduction in the blood volume of the decrease of the plasma causes blood thickening. That, in turn, leads to "a drop in cardiac production, which affects the ability of ourheart provide fuel to our muscles, "explainsMr. Ramin Modabber, MD, an orthopedic surgeon in Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, California.

"Essentially, our heart must work much more difficult to pump the same amount of fuel to our muscles," he says. That's why when you are dehydrated, your heart rate is usually high because it works overtime to provide blood to the rest of your body.

You get headaches.

The thickening of your blood also affects one of your other very vital organs:your brain. While this thick blood is fighting to move throughout your body, it causes the rise of your blood pressure. That's why, according to Modabber, people with dehydration generally presentheadache, especially if they are left without water for a longer period.

Your brain must restart.

When the brain does not receive the amount of water needed, its tissue fluid decreases - and as you can imagine, it only makes problems for your body as a whole. You are likely to fight withMemory problems and suffer from general confusion as a result of the decrease in tissue fluid. Oh, and dehydration could also mean fainting spells used as a way to "restart" your system.

"The brain does not like being deprived of fuel [or] of oxygen," says Modabber. "So when dehydration progresses, the cerebral function slows down-or so severe, it has its way of protecting themselves in" restarting ", making you faint."

Your kidneys occupy more water.

When you have not drunk enough water, you may notice that yourTrips to the bathroom Becoming less frequent. According to Modabber, it's because dehydration triggersyour kidneys Store more water in case of emergency.

"Urinary production decreases with dehydration," explains Modabber. "The kidneys (through the production of urine) are the body's style of optimizing our condition of hydration - it can hang water during early dehydration and can also excrete water when the surplus . "

But if your kidneys work for overtime for too long and do not receive the sufficient amount of water to rinse extra waste of your body - they will be in a world of injury, according to theNational Foundation of Reins. This lack of water can cause waste to obstruct your kidneys, causing all, urinary tract infections to more serious problems. If you are frequently dehydrated, you are at an increased risk of developing renal disease, renal failure or low renal function.

Your body loses its ability to regulate temperatures.

Transpiration is a natural and important part of your body temperature control process. The problem? When your body dies of hunger for fluids, this regulation is completely disturbed.

"Transpiration is a critical way for humans to regulate body temperature," explains Modabber. "The sweat production decreases during dehydration in the body's efforts to retain liquids, the body temperature increases. This phenomenon helps to explain the decrease ofmuscle performance seen with dehydration. "

Your skin begins to suffer.

The lack of sweat production in your body can alsoaffect your skin. When you are dehydrated, your body will only have moisture in the most demanding areas, such as your essential internal organs - and pays less attention to areas than your body considers less vital, such as skin.

"SECAL, the" Saggy "skin is viewed [in dehydration] and results from the body's efforts to maintain water content at vital organs and minimize water loss in" less vital "zones," said Modabber . "Our skin is itself an organ and similar to a very thin sponge, it takes a different appearance based on its water content." That's why drink more water leads to a more hydrated skin .

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