If you have these 2 symptoms of Covid, you could meet at the hospital

These two symptoms are signs of early warning of serious covidation cases.

Although there may not be a "good" symptom of Covid, some are certainly worse than others. While scientists have been updated more about this mysterious virus, it is increasingly clear that some symptoms come out of problems for the trajectory of the disease. A recent study, which has not yet been examined by peers, has found thattwo symptoms of serious covidants in particular may indicate aMore chances of hospitalization Among those with long-term covid cases, but with the naked eye, they do not seem worse than others.These symptoms are in course of fever and loss of appetite.

The research team behind the study used an application to collect data of more than 4,100 coovidants patients and found that about 13% of experienced participants"Long-Covid", " Extended disease for at least 28 days. An additional on 20 in 20 patients was sick for more than eight weeks and one in 50 was sick for more than twelve weeks. Prolonged cases, patients who experienced five or more symptoms in the first week were more likely to undergo prolonged affairs.

But even within the long-standing group, two symptoms claimed themselves as early predictors of complications, which finally led these disproportionate patients to the hospital. "In individuals with long duration, continuous fever and skipped meals were strong predictors of a subsequent hospital visit," says the study. This means that among the groups thatsuffered from the longest coronavirus, people with these two serious covidant symptoms were among the most difficult to success.

Although the study warned against generalization on the basis of their analysis and has been rapid to report its own limitations (in particular that the subjects of study werepredominance woman, less than 70 years and responsible for the self-declaration of their own data), thiscould Help physicians identify serious COVID cases earlier. Continue reading for more signs that you might be in a long-covid case, and for a larger list of what to look for when it comes to coronavirus, checkThe most common covid symptoms that you might have.


Man experiencing fatigue at desk

The study revealed that those withFatigue in progress were more likely than others to experience a prolonged case of coronavirus. In fact, 97% of long-term patients reported this special symptom and many people stated that it was their only symptom. And for more things on how to detect coronaviruses, checkThere is a chance of 80% you have Covid if you have this symptom.


Shot of a mature woman experiencing a headache

Headache were the second most common symptom in the long-time patients of the study. Researchers found that more than 91% of long-term patients reported headaches, while only 13% of the more general COVID population generally has with this particular symptom.

Tough breathing

Girl at home can't breahe

Respiratory symptoms, includingtough breathing Could indicate that you are in it for long-haul. The researchers found that this symptom disproportionately affects patients in the long term and could also indicate a more serious case. And for more serious signs of coronavirus, discover why80% of covidant patients have this scary symptom.

Low oxygen levels

senior woman sitting at a table using a Pulse Oximeter to monitor Blood Oxygen Saturation levels

Although this does not usually present early in cases, the lack of oxygen is an infamous sign that you treat with a more difficult covidation case than the average. Although many people assume that low oxygen levels go hand in hand with laborious breathing, research has shown that, in some cases, oxygen can soak at seriously low levels, while other symptoms remain light. . Check your own oxygen levels with aPulse oximeter at home Can help you assess your risk levels.

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