The coarse thing you certainly do after a shower, experts say

The experts agree: it's time to "ban the common towel".

When you leave along shower, you are about as fresh and clean that you will ever have, but for how long? Dermatologists say everything depends on your next movement, and if the towel you reach has been recently washed.

This is because every time you dry, two things happen. First, if you rub your body to dry, the towel can create microscopic breaks in your skin,bacteria exhaust On the towel where it can multiply quickly. Second, all offensive substances werealready On the towel are transferred to your skin. Thanks to these tears of the microscopic skin, it is not long for the bacteria to be raised.

It is therefore not surprising that "the public health authorities have expressed almostuniversal desire to ban the common towel"As theAmerican Journal of Public Health (Ajph) put it in a recent study. Read their report and you will quickly see why.

In this study, ajph decided to know how many bacteria could grow on a small nuance of towel fabric in just two days. They started by temporarily infecting the hands of the subjects with a bright yellow bacterium, then asked them toscrape with soap For 10 seconds, rinse five more seconds to remove the soap and dry hands on a sterile Turkish hand towel. After 48 hours of incubation, the number of bacteria was astronomical: more than 48,000 bacteria populated a two-inch sample.

Of course, few people wash their towels every 48 hours, which means that the towel of the average person is probably crown with bacteria.An investigation by General Electric (GE) Noted that 50% of respondents admitted to reuse towels at least five times before washing, with 14% additional using their towels at least eight times before hitting washing.

"Longer towels remain wet, plus yeasts, bacteria, mussels andViruses remain alive and stay active, "ALOK VIJ, MD, a dermatologist with the Clinic of Cleveland recently explained. "They can cause a toenail mushroom epidemic, athlete's foot, itching and athlete warts, or spread these skin conditions," he added. "And dirty towels can certainly cause an eczema or atopic dermatitis."

So, if you want to become clean andto stay In this way, it's time to prioritize your towels in the laundry queue. Go every day or after every third use, and make sure you keep your towel yourself. Otherwise, you create the perfect breeding ground forbacteria, mold, and more. Read on dirty secrets revealed by the GE survey, and to stay clean,Here's how many times you should replace your cleaning supplies, according to experts.

Most people delay their laundry after washing.

laundry basket

According to the GE survey, most of us are lazy when it comes to putting our linen. Only 40 percent of people aged 18 to 44 have regular laundryAfter washing, while the 60% of others could sit in the dryer or a basket for a long time.

Less than a third of people wash their cushions every month.

white pillow on the bed in the bedroom with woman 's hand who are making the room.

The same survey found that pillow cases were washed particularly rarely, despite the recommendations they should be laundered weekly. One shocking 27% of people change bed leaves once a month, and an additional 11% are waiting regularly longer than that. And to get your pillow washing routine on the right track,That's how often you should wash your pillow, according to experts.

More than a third of people are seriously needed to wash their jeans.

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Launch the same pair of jeans every morning is less remarkable as dressed in the same shirt several days in a row - but it does not make it less raw. The GE survey found that 37% of people wear their jeans at least five times before washing them, while 16% bring them seven times or more before bleaching them.

Singles do the least laundry.

A man in 1980's style does his laundry at an old school laundromat. He holds up his jacket which has shrunken to a ridiculously small size while drying in the dryer, his head hanging down in sadness and disappointment.
Ryanjlane / iStock

Single men were of themselves and great delicious worst when he arrived at laundry laundry: on average, they reported to wait until 45 days forlaunder . And for more reasons to keep your home clean, check Where Covid is probably filling in your home .

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