The CDC says you should never disinfect this thing

The Agency has a warning on its website reminiscent of people not to disinfect that.

At the beginning of the pandemic, people were desperate toPrevent the propagation of COVID In the midst of limited information on how to do it. This has led many of us to start disinfecting everything in sight. DOORKNOBS deliveries to the hands, people disinfected any possible surface. As experts have learned more about the virus, it has become clear that we do not need to disinfect everything, as vigorously we were vigorously. In fact, disease control and prevention centers (CDC) reported that there is one thing in particular that you should never disinfect. Read on to learn what you need to keep the bleach away and for more advice on cleaning,The CDC now says it's the only time you have to disinfect your home.

You must never disinfect food or food plans.

Disinfecting package

Although many people continue to carefully manage their groceries and their food packages purchased at the store, the CDC says that the practice is not necessary. You can stop wiping each grocery shop whenever you come home stores. The agency also includes a bold warning inhis advices it says, "Warning: Do not use disinfectant products on food or food packaging."The CDC adds that you should not use" disinfectants designed for hard surfaces, such as bleach or ammonia, on packaged foods in cardboard or plastic wrap. "And for more purchases safely,If your grocery store does not have this, do not go inside, "said CDC.

Exceeding the disinfectant can be dangerous for your health.

Disinfectant spray

During a zoom event on April 19, the CDC noted having security problems on the incorrect use of cleaning and disinfection products. According to the CDC, the public surveys they received suggest potential misuse of these products, including the spraying of disinfectants in the air, clothing or on the skin. In 2020, daily exhibitions reported disinfectants who required aCall for American poisoned centers in dashed. Although the volume of calls decreased in 2021, it remains higher than the previous years.

The CDC noted during the event that, according to a survey of the agency, 19% of people had washed fruit, vegetables or other foods with bleach and 18% had used the cleaner housewife on the naked skin. CDC warns many chemical disinfectantscan be harmful If they are poorly manipulated or misused. And this will certainly use these products on the items you intend to consume. And for more CDC warnings,If you have 1 of these 8 side effects, the CDC says "Consult medical care urgently".

You should always wash your hands after the grocery store.

Person washing their hands in a sink

While disinfecting that your groceries are not necessary, the CDC suggests taking other precautionary measures after your purchase return to mitigate the propagation of COVID. By the CDC, "after shopping, handling food packaging, or before preparing or eating food, it is important to always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand disinfectant that contains at least 60% alcohol. "If you use reusable fabric bags, you should wash them after shopping and drying them in the frame. The hottest they can take, the CDC suggests. For instructions from this agency,The CDC says you should do it immediately once you have been vaccinated.

And you should always disinfect your kitchen as needed.

Cleaning home table sanitizing kitchen table surface with disinfectant spray bottle washing surfaces with towel and gloves. COVID-19 prevention sanitizing inside.

Although you do not have to disinfect the items you bring to your home, the CDC still recommends regularlyClean your kitchen counters and use disinfectant products from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)Approved list of disinfectants For COVID. The agency noted that before preparing food on the kitchen counter, you should rinse the disinfected surface with water.

While you can choose to disinfect kitchen surfaces or other touch surfaces, the CDCrecently updated his adviceTo say it is not necessary unless someone with Covid was at home. "Disinfection to reduce the transmission of Covid-19 to the house is probably not necessary unless someone from home is sick or if a positive person for Covid-19 was in your home in the last 24 hours , By guidance of CDC. However, you must continue cleaning the highly affected touch surfaces such as the handle handle, tables, handles, light switches and counters regularly with soap and water, says the agency. And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

The CDC also recommends taking precautions when buying groceries.

woman in grocery store shopping for sauces
Shutterstock / TravelPixs

To protect you, grocery workers and other buyers, the CDC wishes youtake a few precautions, including wearing a mask and practice the social distance while doing shopping. The agency also notes that you can "wear your own wipes or use a supplied by the store to clear the handle of the shopping cart or the basket." To help limit the time you go inside the store, the CDC suggests going with a list of what you need to buy. And for the last directive,The CDC says do not do it before 4 weeks after being vaccinated.

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