The FDA has a new warning on this pizza shop

A pizza sold in American grocery stores has been pulled from the market due to serious contamination problems.

The pizza is one of the most popular foods of US.S. and with good reason: it's cheap, it's delicious, and it is available almost everywhere, from Pizza to your local grocery store. However, prior to blow this pizza, you just buy the oven, you may want to first check the label, now that two grocery pizzas are recalled. Read it to find out if your pie is for the trash, and some food, you had better go on the shelf,This ice cream brand just reminded 100 of its products.

The FDA announced the recall grocery pizzas sold by both brands.

veggie pizza with olives
Shutterstock / Mr Tempter

May 4 May 4, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that Russ Davis had Grossalvoluntarily recalled legal Pizza Sold under its brands fresh and quick and easy.

The 6.2 oz The pizzas were sold in grocery stores in Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin, and were packaged in clear plastic containers. The recalled pizzas can be identified by their sale by date, ranging from 04/20/21 to 05/04/21. And for the latest reminder news delivered directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

The pizzas can be contaminated with a common allergen.

A young women enjoying pizza with friends at a music festival.

The pizzas were recalled from grocery shelves after the supplier of the product crusts notified Russ Davis Wholesale crusts that could be contaminated with soy.

Soybean Grade amongBig 8-A group of the most common food allergens - which also includes milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts and wheat. Since Congress passed the Food Allergen Labeling and the 2004 Law on Consumer Protection, was asked to the lawidentify allergens in packaged foods regulated by the FDA.

Eat pizza could be fatal for sensitive individuals.

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As one of the most common food allergens in the United States people, the recalled pizzas could cause serious health problems or death for those who have allergies or sensitivities to soy, the recall notice states .

As such, the FDA warns people may not eat the recalled pizza, although no disease or other adverse effects have been reported when the recall was announced. If you have questions about the recall, you can call the customer service line at 877-433-2173 Russ Davis Wholesale. And if you want to protect your health,If you bought these popular chips, the FDA says throw them.

This is not the first recall of the company related to allergens.

chicken caesar salad in white bowl
Shutterstock / nitr

There are only two years, Russ Davis Grossal launched a massive recall due to contamination of another of their products. In 2019, the company recalled about702 pounds of chicken Caesar salad After discovering that the product was contaminated with milk and anchovies.

In 2020, the company also recalled fishing salsa sold as fresh markings and crazy easy and fast because ofpotentialsalmonella contamination. And for more food, you would be wise to avoid,The FDA warns you not to eat this Hostess snack beloved.

Categories: Health
Tags: food / News / Safety
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