Intermittent fasting work, says doctor

A study suggested that the healthy diet plan may not be effective, but new research give a perspective.

There are a lot of discussions about the efficiency of the popular weight loss planintermittent fast. With many studies carried out on this limited feeding plan, there is also still new information presented, but the final result is largely identical: the intermittent fastingworks to lose weight.

Recently, astudy has been published inJama This examined the limited diet and its weight loss effects in men and women. As the results were shared, some of the information seemed to have misinterpreted, according to a doctor who now wants to clarify.

Monique Tello, M.D., MPH, practicing doctor of Massachusetts General Hospital, Director of Research and Academic Affairs for the Harvard Medical School Healthy Life Program and Clinical Instructor, did not participate in the study. But she recently released a blog article onHarvard Health's blogsaying that she had seen titles on this study stating thatIntermittent fasting does not work and has a significant negative impact on muscle mass. She believes these research results have been greatly misinterpreted. (In touch:5 advantages of intermittent fasting.)

The initial study tested 141 overweight patients over a period of 12 weeks. Some have been put on a limited feeding plan of time while others have followed a traditional feeding plan. Dr. Tello emphasizes that there was no real control group in the study because each patient was put on a calendar of some sort. Atrue The control group would have been given any instruction or directive.

weight loss

In the end, the two groups lost weight, but the study showed that theIntermittent fasting group Lost more, including muscle mass that has not been identified in those in a traditional feeding plan. But as Mr. Tello explains in his position, the study does not mention the quality of the food that the two groups were eating.

"By the way, all these people may have manually eating french or fast foods, as well as sodas and sweet candy - we do not know," writes Dr. Tello inHarvard Health. "The study does not mention the quality of the quality of food or physical activity. This is not the way if it is supposed to be done! And yet, people if they are still lost between a Half book and 4 pounds. "

In addition, Mr. Tello notes that both groups received a structured diet plan. Mr. Tello thinks a real control group, in which the participants continued to eat as they would normally, could have made these findings of more conclusive research.

She reiterated that the study did, in fact, showed thatIntermittent closure works for weight lossIt is fair that some of the results were not necessarily presented correctly and the study may be a little defective in its configuration.

"Although this negative study adds to the body of literature on if, it does not reverse," says Dr. Tello in his post. "We simply need more high quality studies to better understand how to integrate as effectively if in a healthy lifestyle."

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