Texas internal this Friday from

An executive order will bring one of these offenses.

Now it is clear that many people are eager to return to the "normal" after more than one year of life under a pandemic. And since the number of COVID-19 cases continues to fall, many states begin to loosen some of the public health restrictions put in place during the advanced shoots of the virus. But now, Texas goes further after the governmentGreg Abbott signed an executive orderProhibit mask mandates in federal buildings.

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"Texans, non-governmental, should decide on their best health practices, so the masks gomandate by public school districts or government entities. We can continue to mitigate Covid-19 while defending the freedom of Texans to choose whether or not it's masked, "said Abbott in a statement.

The prohibition of the mandate of the Texas mask comes from days after the American centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) modify its guidelines to recommend that anyone who is completely vaccinated can be without mask both inside and outside. But the executive order is always in contradiction with the guidelines of the Agency, which recommends thatStudents stay masked In schools across the United States, through the rest of the school year, children under 12 years old are still not eligible to receive CVIV-19 vaccine.

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According to the data ofThe New York Times, only 32.8% of the Texas population isfully vaccinated Effective May 19, putting it below the national average of 37%. As such, the mandates of the prohibition mask have led some local officials to appeal to citizens and ask them to follow the measure of public health independently.

"If you are a city of the Houston employee or you enter a city and that you have not been fully vaccinated, you shouldWear your mask, "Sylvester Turner, the mayor of Houston, said in a statement to the press. "We do not ask, but I encourage everyone to be vaccinated to protect themselves, their family and their colleagues," adding that the executive order was "a clear overrun".

The order free from hospitals and long-term care facilities of the status of the prohibition, as well as public juvenile correctional facilities. Schools will only have on June 4 to comply, after which no student, teacher or parent can not be heldcarry a face mask.

Any official of the state or local county in Texas which tries to establish a mask mandate will be sentenced to a fine of $ 1,000 under the new order. "The STAR STAR state continues to defeat Covid-19 through the use of widely available vaccines, therapeutic drugs of antibody and safe practices used by Texans in our communities," said Abbott in liberation.

RELATED:America "will feel close to normal" on the exact date, "said Covid Expert.

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