If you are sensitive to temperature, have your thyroid check, say doctors
The experts say that I feel too hot or too cold can be a thyroid problem.

Do you ever want to sweat when everyone starts how nice the breeze is? Or maybe you are wrapped in blankets in the office while everyone comfortably carries short sleeves? While being sensitive at certain temperatures can be insulating and frustrating, it could also be a sign thatSomething is wrong with your thyroid. Read on to know what could happen with your thyroid and for more advice on this organ,If this happens when you eat or drink, you need your checked thyroid.
Your thyroid is responsible for regulating body temperature.

"The thyroid gland [is] the equivalent of the body of a thermostat," saysSAPNA Shah, MD, aCertified Endocrinologist of the Board with the health of Paloma. The hormones produced by the thyroid gland are what help regulate the temperature of your body, so when there is something that does not go with your thyroid and too little hormone is produced, "the body does not receive signaling Suitable for regulating the temperature ", Shah explains.
"The symptoms of temperature intolerance vary from person to person," says Shah. "In general, however, if your sensitivity to heat or cold causes pain, discomfort or problems with your daily operation, you may want to consider that something is in play with your thyroid." And for more your thyroid,If you notice that on your nails, get your truth about the thyroid, say doctors.
If you are cold very easily, you can have a hypothyroidism.

If you tend to run colder than everyone else, this could indicate that you have a hypothyroidism or outsourcing thyroid, which means that your thyroid gland does not produce as much thyroid hormone as your body needs.
"Hypothyroidism causes slowdown cells that end up burning a lower quantity than the energy of energy", explainsSandra el Hajj, NMD, ahealthcare professional Specialized in pre-trial global health. "As a result, your body will produce less heat and start you to feel colder than usual. Some may even feel chills too."
Other symptoms that can accompany hypothyroidism include fatigue,Weight fluctuation, constipation, dry skin and easily brisble nails, according to Hajj.
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If you are easily overheated, you can have a hyperthyroidism.

On the other hand, a hyperactive thyroid,called hyperthyroidism, can you make you feel too hot sometimes. This is because your thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormone than your body needs, forcing your temperature to assemble, which can make you more sensitive to warmer external temperatures.
Shah says that you can also feel other symptoms "who have the impression that the body accelerates" when you have hyperthyroidism, such as stirring or a fast heartbeat.
And for more signs of health problems,If you sweat at night, it could be a sign of these types of cancer.
Do not treat hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may result in new complications of health.

Hajj and Shah note that a person whose hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism is not going out of diagnosed or untreated can deal with important health complications over time. UntreatedHypothyroidism can increase your risk to have dementia and heart disease,Maryann Mikhail, MD, a dermatologist and a medical writer certified by the Council, explained in an article by Goodrx. And, according to the Mayo clinic, untreatedHyperthyroidism can also increase your risk Cardiac problems, as well as loss of vision and fragile bones.
If these two forms of thyroid disease become quite serious, they can be threatening for life. Severe,Untreated hypothyroidism can result In Myxedema Coma, according to Webmd, and serious,Untreated hyperthyroidism can result In a thyroid storm, which raises the patient's fever, causes diarrhea, vomiting, nervousness, confusion and can also put them in a coma.
However, serious forms of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can be prevented if you get your thyroid disease diagnosed and treated. To see if you are in danger, your doctor will probably make a blood test to measure the amount of stimulating hormone of the thyroid (TSH) in your system, explains Hajj. And for more dangerous health problems, If you take this popular supplement, your heart may be at risk, the study says .

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