How to know if your wedding is in a rough patch - or something worse

All couple do not make it on the other side unscathed.

Whether it is because of uncontrollable things (money problems, losing a job) or because of thingsentirely controllable (at the end of work,infidelity), Rough patchs are an inevitable part of married life. But while every couple has arguments, all relationships do not make it on the other side unscathed.

So, how can you distinguish between a normal rough patch and something that is much less worse? To begin with, happy couples are able to work through problems and keep the flame live, thanks to a strong communication, desire to change and, of course, of eternal love. Cornspouses for splitting tend to ignore their problems until they have become collectively in a third malignant wheel. If you are curious to know what path you are on, read it, because we have rounded all that the Suurefire tells.

Man leaving office

There is stress outside the relationship. (Hard time.)

If external factors affect your relationship, it is more than likely that you and your partner simply vave a rough patch, according toEmily Mendez, Ms Eds, an expert in mental health and psychotherapist. "Some life stressors, like loss of employment, can film a relationship," says Mendez. "It can take some time and work on the part of the partners, but a strong relationship will overcome these rough patches."

You and your spouse do not fight anymore. (Something worse.)

When you and the spouse just stop fighting, these signals (ironically) signals you may have reached a point where "something vital has been placed waiting or even lost", according toMark Borg, Jr., PhD, a psychoanalyst and co-author ofSanité Relationship: Create and maintain healthy relationships. "A repetitive scheme to avoid friction or hostility can reveal a'NRUNATION' Dynamic that the couple unconsciously uses to protect themselves from the frightening aspects of intimacy: empathy, mutual emotional investment and vulnerability that comes with such an investment, "says Borg, Jr." It's more than a Rough patch; it is a state of chronic disengagement and sustained that might not end marriage, but can undergo mutual insulation for years. "

This is your first doubt of your relationship. (Something worse.)

If you had never had any doubts about your relationship before, it is probably strong enough to support everything you are going through. If you've always had the impression that your spouse is your soulmate and you are only a few years old - starting to question that, so rest assured that your relationship can and will overcome any obstacle with enough TLC.

You all do not know about the future. (Something worse.)

Be careful if you or your spouse avoids talking about things on the road - because if you can not even talk about the future, there may not be one, saysBethany Ricciardi, sexual expert and relationship with an adult websiteTOOTIMID. "It's unlikely that it's just a raw patch if your partner never discusses your future together," says Ricciardi. "If you can not imagine aging with someone, but you stay in the relationship, it's a force."


Your fights last days at a time. (Something worse.)

Even a good relationship has its fighting, but these fights tend to be solved in the day. When spouses are unable to find common ground during their arguments, it is a sign that they are not on the same page - and might never be. "If your fights frequently strokes in several days of treatment and silent resentment, it's a bad sign that your wedding is in difficulty," saysAmica Graber, an expert in relation toController, A website that helps online dates stay safe.

"If you discuss, communicate and solve, on the other hand, it is a sign that you have a good general wedding that is right in a rough patch."

You put your children before your relationship. (Something worse.)

Being a parent is important, of course, but is therefore a partner. And when you unconsciously neglect your relationship to focus entirely on your family, you and your spouse get more like roommates than lovers. "Do not be if in your parents' role you forget to be partners," saysTina Ticina, PhD, LMFT,an authorized psychotherapist and the author ofHow to be happy partners: Working together. "That's why so many couples are separating as soon as children are cultivated. Your relationship [my marriage] is vital - it is the basis of your family built."

You will not spend enough time with your partner. (Hard time.)

When you put other responsibilities in front of your relationship, you risk losing it completely. Of course, sometimes the job will occupy your time, but that does not mean that you should not always value your spouse and needs. "You may hit a raw patch if you are overwhelmed at work or treat with a family drama and you do not first put your spouse first," explainsRori Sasson, an expert in relation and co-founder ofPlatinum pear, A game manufacturing service.

You can not let go of the past. (Something worse.)

Your wedding crosses more than just a raw patch if what you are treating is something of the past that you can not seem to forgive or forget. "There is no creation of the future together if you come from the past," says Sassoon. "The grudges come from unexplored, inexpressed and powerless complaints of the past."

Your partner does not respect you - or vice versa. (Something worse.)

If this is the case, it is prudent to say that what your marriage feels is more than temporary turbulence. Things like not to trust what your spouse says indicates that there are problems in your wedding overflowing from the surface, and that they "can be more serious than a rough patch", according to Mendez.

middle aged couple kissing on bed

There are more good times than bad. (Hard time.)

Do not leave a small rough patch ruining a good thing. If your partner is still the person you want to see after a difficult day - even thoughthey are He who emphasized you, then there is still something in your relationship to be recovered and you should not let them go without fighting.

You can not find common ground in the bedroom. (It depends.)

"Sex is the biggest thing to differentiate your personal and romantic relationships, "explains Ricciardi." Yes, problems in the bedroom could possibly be a rough patch and if you start communicating honestly, you may be able to work them. But it's something more serious if you are not attracted each other in this way, and you'd better do not force it. "

You are dealing with financial problems. (Hard time.)

The money problems are stressful enough because it is without the extra bonus of a rough patch of the wedding. But fortunately, many financial difficulties are resolved ultimately (a study by Ameriprise Financial, Inc., revealed that 82% of couples say they work quickly to resolve their financial differences) and couples with a solid link are able to cope with this difficult period with good support, communication andAction plan to recover your bank account on the right track.

You make an excuse to choose a fight with your spouse. (Something worse.)

When you find insults on your other for something as trivial as I forget to get out the trash, then it might be time to call it leaves. There is a thin line between complaining and criticizing, and if your arguments are more often direct attacks by your spouse than complaints that mean well, you will probably just come a fight to be hurtful, which is not hurt. healthy.

You threaten to end the relationship during each fight. (Something worse.)

Using this as your tastes duringAn argument with your spouse will climb the problems and drive more a corner in your relationship. "You should never raise the wedding unless you are serious about it," says Sassoon. "It can evoke the fear of abandonment."

You must force the relationship. (Something worse.)

It should be obvious that a forced relationship is in no way happy. Although a rough patch is caused by a specific problem and has temporarily and has a definitive start and end, a failing marriage is often the result of long-term problems that have been neglected. "Rough patches are just that: patches," says Ricciardi. "If these problems bleed throughout your relationship and are not better, there is something more serious. At one point, you will not be able to force it together."

Woman is cheating with her boss or a coworker at work

Your partner cheats up several times. (Something worse.)

With enough attention and advice, a strong wedding can pass through aEastless infidelity. But if you find that your partner continues to arrange your marriage despite his promises not to, it might be time to consider letting the wedding good.

There is zero willingness to work through problems. (Something worse.)

The difficulties will occur in all relations, but what really differentiates a brutal patch of worse marriage is the will of each partner to tackle and overcome the problems of relationships. AsCarla Manly, PhD,an expert in relation and author of Fear of fear Explains: "A deeply negative attitude can move a difficult time to a struggle that causes the end of a marriage. If one or both partners feel "done", or are stuck in anger, then the wedding is generally directed to failure regardless of the symptomatic problem. "

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