You should never clean your toilet with that, the experts aven off

It's "not only unhealthy but unhealthy," said a plumber.

For many of us, the toilet is one of the most feared items of the house to be cleaned. But with something that becomes so dirty, it's important toMake sure it's very clean. For years, people rely on a common tool for storing the toilets, but experts say you should not use it. Read on to know which method of cleaning you must access a ditch and for more toiletries, discoverThe only thing you should never do after your hunt, a new study says.

Do not use a toilet brush to clean your toilet.

cleaning toilet with white toilet brush
Shutterstock / Oleksandr Nagiaise

You can usually find a toilet brush sitting humbly next to most US toilets, ready to do its duty. However, experts say thatcleaning tool should be done with. While taking stocks on household cleaning rules that need to be updated, expert cleaningAggie Mackenzie RecountThe Guardian That she would never let a brush toilet inside her house.

"The toilet brushes give me the Heebie-Jeebies," Mackenzie said. "I can not stand them. I just think they're viles." As she has noted, "there is a soup of liquid foul bacteria at the bottom of each toilet brush holder." And for more ways to stay without germ,Never eating remains that have been in the refrigerator this long, experts aven off

The toilet brushes are unhealthy.

gloved hands cleaning toilet with toilet brush
Shutterstock / Ratmane

Believe it or not, toilet brushes can be dangerous for your health. "Do not forget that it does not only have toilet water bacteria, but it can also trap fecal matter or hygienic paper that is not only unhealthy but unhealthy," saysplumber Gary Johnson.

David Cusick, CSO and executive editor ofHome methodIn addition, elaborate more than leaving a used toilet brush "is a hygienic because bacteria will house and grow and cause diseases, such as urinary tract infection, diarrhea and respiratory problems." And for more toiletries,If your urine is this color, call your doctor.

Use rubber gloves to clean your toilet instead.

gloved hands cleaning toilet
Shutterstock / Daniel Jedzura

Although it may seem a little offbeat, experts suggest putting a thick pair of rubber gloves and clean the toilet by hand. Mackenzie saidThe Guardian That she "would prefer a pair of thick rubber gloves and uses my nail under the thick rubber gloves to get bits."

Cusick also suggests opting for the glove method. "An alternative to a toilet brush is a pair of thick rubber gloves that you can use to clean the toilets," he says. "You can also use toilet paper to eliminate small pieces of toilets. This may require more elbow grease." And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

You can also use a toiletch.

Toilet wand

If you put your hand in a toilet - even with a glove on-it's too much for you, you can always buy a toiletch with a disposable tip. "These allow you to fix a long product of toilet paper to a handle, using it to wash the bowl and sometimes even the seat, then throw it to the trash," says Johnson. And for more essential hygiene tips,It's the worst absolute moment to brush the teeth, tell dentists.

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