Target just prohibits the purchase of this one thing in all its stores

The retailer has just drawn this article from its stores at the national level.

If there is one thing you can count during a target race during the pandemic is that one of the things you are looking to buy is probably absent in the store shelves. Over the past year, COVID epidemics in factories and shipping problems have disrupted the supply chains of most industries, resulting in shortages of everything fromtoilet paper Tochicken wings the most important of all at the moment-gasoline. And the next time you head for the target, you will certainly not find a particular element - but not because the store is short; The company has just published a national prohibition on a certain product that has become incredibly popular. Read it to find out what you can no longer buy in the retail chain.

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The internal target customers buy trading cards right now.

San Dimas, California/United States - 11/25/2019: A view of a several brands of sports trading cards on display at a local department store.

If you scal the target to retrieve trading cards, you might also turn around. Target announced on May 14 that the company decided to decide immediatelyStop selling trading cards, although only temporarily. "On an abundance of caution, we decided to temporarily suspend the sale of MLB, NFL, NBA and Pokémon trading cards in our stores, as of May 14" a target representative said in a statement at CNN. Cards will always be available for online purchase. Unfortunately for trading cards lovers, the target did not say when they would finish this temporary prohibition.

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The prohibition comes after an aggression on trading cards on a Wisconsin target.

exterior entrance to target store

The announcement comes from one week after a target in Wisconsin had to be locked on May 7 becausefighting had broken On the parking lot on sports cards, a new ABC affiliate local WISN-TV. According to the police report, a 35-year-old man was physically assaulted by four men while leaving the store after buying trading cards. The victim would have shot a firearm but was not burned.

"The security of our customers and our team is our absolute priority," said a spokesman for the target in the statement. They also added that the decision to initiate a ban on the temporary trading card was rendered "an abundance of caution".

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The value of trading cards has made dramatically in recent months.

Florianopolis - Brazil, june 13, 2019: Pokemon cards distributed on the white table. Brazilian youths perform battles using these collectible cards.

According to CNN, there has been a trading card arrow in recent months, resulting in its value to Skyroset - which has probably contributed to the assault on the target. For example, a Rare Charzard Pokémon card sold $ 360,000 through Goldin Auctions on December 20, and then another sold by nearly $ 400,000 earlier this year. In terms of sports cards, aMichael Jordan RECRUIT BASKETBALL CARD IN A STUDY CONDITION SOLD $ 738,000 in February to a Goldin auction. So, a bargaining card can easily sell five times what a buyer pays for that, WISN-TV reported.

"It's almost like the Golden Willie Wonka Ticket. It's a great value, and they are hard to get, but you could get it", "Jeff LemieuxOwner of Jeff Sports Inc, told Wisconsin Local.

Walmart said they would continue to sell trading cards in the shops for now.

Miami, FL, USA - March 26, 2020: People going in a Walmart store on sunny day. Walmart is the world's third largest public corporation that runs chains of department stores. Quarantine due Coronavirus

If you are looking for trading cards, you can go to Walmart. A spokesman for the company told CNN that they continued to sell trading cards at the shops for the moment, although the retailer has confirmed to have seen an increase in customer demand for them.

"We determine that, where appropriate, changes are needed to meet customer demand while ensuring a safe and enjoyable shopping experience," said Walmart spokesperson in a CNN statement.

RELATED:This thing is disappearing from 300 Walmart stores.

Categories: Smarter Living
Tags: News / Shopping
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