Things that men can do freely, but for which women are typically condemned

Women always had to fight hard to at least close the same rights as men. From the same payment to the right to vote, they needed more and more time and enormous efforts compared to men to obtain the same recognition and the same rights. However, there are so many things that men just got without straining themselves and without being condemned.

Women always had to fight hard to at least close the same rights as men. From the same payment to the right to vote, they needed more and more time and enormous efforts compared to men to obtain the same recognition and the same rights. However, there are so many things that men just got without straining themselves and without being condemned. For women, on the other hand, there are so many opportunities in which they are convicted of just because they have expected that they are treated immediately.

For our readers - both men and women - we found out the most important things that are a matter of course for men, while they are always at risk of being ran, assessed and misjudged in women.

Men can eat as much as they want

It sounds ridiculous, but think about how often you have already thought that a woman who eats as much as she wants is convicted by society, her friends and even herself. The enjoyment of a lavish meal is definitely not for everyone, and the freedom of food - at least in public - is limited for women. They are expected to be slim and diet diet to get a pleasant figure. Life is not fair, but women always know it first.


Hand in hand with the obsession of many men from what women eat, the questioning of every single additional gram that a woman adds to her body goes. A man who is overweight is not convicted -sometimes not at all -while a woman who has increased an additional kilo is blamed and accused of being able to be able to take care of herself. Obesity in general can be defined from half a kilo more to curvig. In fact, the numbers are not important, but the way the female body is viewed as a public good that everyone wants to have as slim as possible. Of course for the wrong reasons.

Maintain body hair

Well, there is a long discussion about it, and there are also advantages and disadvantages among women themselves. The fact is, however, that women are expected that they don't show a single hair on their body. In comparison, men rarely interfere with the same aspects that they cannot expect in women. We men expect women to do their best to take care of the things that they don't care about themselves.


However, as soon as a woman makes the courageous decision to shave her head or cut the hair as short as possible, the whole street and the family can be outraged. As we have already determined, there is a certain normativity in putting pressure on the bodies of women and demanding them to correspond to certain ideals of beauty. Most of the time, such projections have nothing to do with the way women feel themselves and how they have to feel in relation to their bodies. This also applies to the harsh comments that a woman receives when she shaves her head. Nothing of the sort happens when a man's decision.

To become old

Our society is obsessed with aging. Women age, of course. A man who gets old does not seem to put too much pressure on her and urge her to do your best -including plastic surgery -to look young forever. But a woman gets used to the feeling of not being young enough shortly after she has crossed the 20. Indeed, as soon as that is the case.

No children

A woman is often judged whether she is ready to get children, and often also according to the number of children she gets. Nothing comparable applies to men who can do what they want with their lives and their partnership. Nobody will judge a man who has never married, but a woman who has never married and has no children will always be seen as a failure from a personal perspective. Regardless of how qualified it is professionally, your value is only determined by your very personal decisions, which normally nobody should do.

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